Junior Primary
Creation Keepers
Junior Primary
Creation Keepers
A new school year comes with fresh excitement and enthusiasm as teachers and students get to know their new classes. The introduction of our MECS threads has added an extra layer to our new beginnings as a school community this year. For the first two weeks of Term 1, the Junior Primary children investigated each of the MECS threads. A highlight was our discussion of what it means to be Creation Keepers. Creation keepers care for the earth, knowing that they are stewards of God’s creation.
In response to understanding their role as creation keepers, the Junior Primary students visited the MECS bush kinder. The children understood the importance of being caretakers of the land that God has entrusted to us. There was time to watch bugs crawling under logs, trees to (carefully) climb, bush cubbies to explore and even a campfire circle to gather in.
We are so thankful to God that he has allowed us to enjoy the beautiful land upon which MECS has been built. It is our hope and prayer that the lessons the Junior Primary children learn as MECS creation keepers will translate to acts on environmental care and stewardship throughout their lives.
Louise Griffiths
Junior Primary Diversity Teacher