Things You Need To Know

Save the date for our Open Evening and if you have friends or family interested in Christian education please invite them along!

Cook Off Day - Friday 21 March, 9am - 1pm


The MECS community loves looking after each other and we need your help to fill our community freezer.

Meals from our community freezer are used to bless our families. 

Can you help with -

  • Food preparation and cooking on the day (no experience necessary!)
  • Donations of groceries 
  • Cash donations to help cover the costs of the day

If you can help or would like more information please contact Robyn. or call the office on 9738 6000.  



Below are some reminders for our community:


Pickups/Drop Offs/Parking

Gate 1 is not to be used for dropping off or picking up students. It is reserved for staff, visiting professionals and school tours. Please arrange to drop off/pick up your children from Kiss & Drop or utilise Gates 2 & 3.


Additionally, there is to be no parking on Hawkins Road. This road needs to be kept clear for our neighbours and school buses. Please continue to utilise the York Road service Road.



If your child is absent from school, please add an Attendance Note on Compass to explain the absence. If you are not sure how to do this, please contact the office.


School Uniforms

School uniform items can be purchased from Spartan School World. Click for link or Scan the QR code here:



If you have younger children who are not at MECS and you have not enrolled them yet, please reach out to Beth Matthews, Enrolments Manager to discuss further. Spaces filling up  quickly.  


When leaving MECS, please ensure you give a terms notice, to avoid any additional fees. 



Please make sure to read all communication from the school. Most information will come to you via the MECS app. There is a lot happening in Term 1 and we don't want anyone to miss out! If you do not yet have the MECS app, please contact the office.