Wellbeing - Senior School

Cleanliness of Playground Areas

Amongst the excitement and busyness of the start of the school year, it has been disappointing to observe the amount of rubbish left daily in the Senior School playground areas. What is more frustrating is that the boys were spoken to about this matter at the first assembly of the year, and that this behaviour extended to some of the areas provided to students at the Quaycentre last Friday.


I accept that many of our boys do place their rubbish in bins and do the right thing. I appreciate that the majority of boys will assist staff if directed to clean areas. However, this is not always the reality, and I am seeking parental support in addressing this issue.


While it is easy to fall back on the cliche “oh, they are teenage boys, they don’t think”, I find it difficult to reconcile that the same boys who thoughtlessly stuff empty packaging into seating or leave it lying under benches (or worse still, throwing it deliberately onto ovals or at friends) would commit the same actions at home, grandparents’ houses or at friends’ houses. 


I would be surprised if parents would accept that the food that has been purchased and often prepared for the boys at home is used as part of a throwing game or to annoy and provoke other students.


Similarly, I would be surprised that if the above did occur that the boy would not be reprimanded at home or not invited back to the household by friends’ parents in the future.


I can only imagine the frustration, anger and embarrassment if a function was being held at home, only to find empty packaging or food scraps in the living areas or front yard, noticeable when guests arrive. I cannot imagine it being tolerated.


It is incumbent upon the boys to act responsibly as stewards of their environment, whether it be at home or at school. It has been stated in the past that in the main, students do not have to walk more than a few metres to place packaging and food scraps into a bin. I hear complaints about the number of ibis birds congregating around the playground areas; they do so because they can easily access the food scraps left under seats and thrown onto ovals.

2025 Lenten Dances

Some minor but important changes have been made regarding the organisation of fundraising dances in 2025, in response to feedback relating to the demands for tickets and impact on the College calendar and staff.


Parents/carers are advised that the annual fundraising dances will be held at the College Hall (Times: 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM; doors will open at 6:00 PM) on the following dates:

Term 1

Term 3
Year 7 Thursday 27 March  Year 8 Thursday 24 July
Year 10 Friday 28 March       Year 9Friday 25 July

The proceeds from the dances held this year will be used for part of the fundraising for our Lenten Partners and other initiatives at the College. We will continue to use the Humanitix platform for online ticket sales. Details of expectations and instructions on how to purchase tickets will be made available via email in the coming weeks. 


Invitations will soon be forwarded to girls’ schools in the Inner West for them to purchase an allocated number of tickets. 


Once we reach venue capacity no more tickets will be sold due to our duty of care and the College’s WHS requirements.


In past years, parent volunteers with active Working With Children Check (WWCC) documentation have assisted staff and Year 12 students with the running of the dances. If parents/carers are interested in assisting at one of the dances, they should contact robert.simpson@spc.nsw.edu.au or ingrid.viney@spc.nsw.edu.au at the College during office hours for further information. 


Robert Simpson

Director of Senior School