Principal's Report

Dear Parents,


Save the date for our annual St. Patrick's Day Festival - Friday 21st March! It is going to be an exciting event for our community.  The festival will begin at 4pm (after pick up in the afternoon) and will conclude at 8pm.


We have an exciting list of rides and activities for young and old to enjoy!

Wristbands can again be pre-purchased prior to the date which is great value for our adventure seekers.  Trybooking link for wrist bands:

Dunking Machine at St. Pat's Festival

Have you ever wanted to dunk your school Principal or Deputy Principals? Perhaps different staff members? Live every students dream and come along to the dunking machine at St. Pat's Festival on Friday 21st March.  Who will be the lucky student to dunk the PRINCIPAL at the end of assembly (3:15pm) in front of the whole school on Friday 21st March?!?

Casual Clothes Day

Monday 3rd March is a casual clothes day for all students.  All students who come in casual clothes are expected to bring in a $2 coin to be collected in the classrooms.  These proceeds will go directly to our St. Patrick's P&F Festival.

Parent/Teacher Exchange Meetings

My thanks to all staff and parents who participated in the Parent/Teacher Exchange meetings that occurred on Monday and Wednesday this week.  There was a wonderful atmosphere in the Hall as parents and class Teachers had genuine discussions regarding how best to assist our children to maximise their learning this year.

Sibling - Prep 2025 Enrolments and Open Days

Can I please remind all Families who will have a Prep Student in 2026 to submit their enrolment paperwork ASAP. Sibling enrolment interviews will occur at the end of Term 1.

Please check our enrolment timeline below.

School Uniform

Please ensure your child/children are in correct summer uniform/sports uniform on the correct days.  Please note that the full summer uniform includes correct shoes - black school shoes and not runners/sneakers.  I will be checking school uniforms regularly during each term.

Year 6 Canberra Camp

We wish our Year 6 Students all the best for an exciting adventure in Canberra next week.  Check out our social media pages for camp updates.


God Bless,


Pat Berlingeri
