Year 9 and 10

Year 9 


What a great start to the year for our Year 9s. Our Pastoral Care lessons have started really well, and we are loving the connection that students have with their teachers and classes, as well as seeing them coming to school ready to learn. 


Pastoral Care teachers have run a competition based on students’ ability to bring all their equipment to class, demonstrating their Responsibility and Endeavour. We would like to congratulate 9B with the highest average percentage, and 9F who made the most improvement from the start of the year. Uniform also continues to be an area of strength for our Yr 9 students, with the majority wearing the correct uniform every day. A reminder, that if students do not have the correct uniform, they must bring a note to their PC teacher. 


Well done Year 9s on a great start to the year.


Year 10


Year 10s have had a busy start to the year as they stepped into their new electives and have had their first experience with S Tasks. All students have been able to successfully manage their time with the new demands of school, extra curricular activities, and casual jobs. 


We have a small group of 8 students who are currently undertaking a Certificate II in Building and Construction through Kangan Broadmeadows, all of whom have shown commitment and enthusiasm for beginning their vocational pathway. Our Outdoor Education class took part in a snorkelling excursion in Queenscliff in Week 3, where they saw seals, fish, and weedy sea dragons. Over the coming weeks, our Science classes will also be participating in the ‘Road to Zero’ program, linked to their unit on Physics. 


As the year progresses, Year 10 students will be undergoing work experience, with their planning forms due in the next two weeks. Work experience is an exciting time for Year 10 students and their teachers, who are already looking forward to visiting and seeing our students thrive in the working world. 


We would like to congratulate 10C who took out the 'Ready to Learn: Equipment Challenge' and will have a hot lunch coming their way! Our next challenge will be focussing on uniform and we will be keenly watching to see if another PC class can take out the win. 


Warm regards,


Middle School Team