First Aid

From Nurse Jen

First Aid update

This year NMPS is trialling something new with how we obtain our updated medical information. We are trying to make this a more seamless process for parents and reduce the amount of paperwork/permissions you need to complete for your child/ren throughout the year.


At the beginning of each year, NMPS will send you multiple permissions (e.g. photo permissions, walking permissions). This year we are trialling a "Medical Permissions" Event, which will cover all events that your child is cared for by NMPS, including normal school days, excursions, camps and any other on or off-site activities. 


The permissions will cover:

  • Updating student medical conditions and if they are taking any current medication (important if we ever need to phone an ambulance for your child)
  • Consent for Medication Administration (for basic pain relief or antihistamines)
  • Consent for head lice checks (provided by the School Nurse or a First Aid Officer)
  • Consent for the use of topical creams, sprays or ointments (such as sunscreen)

This event will serve as medical/medication permission for your child for the current school year of 2025. Please note that in the event that your child requires any medication while in the care of North Melbourne Primary School staff, you will be phoned to discuss this prior to administration. In the event that you cannot be reached, NMPS First Aid Officers may provide medication to your child if medication permissions have been given (via this permission event). You will always be notified of any medication administration via SMS to your mobile phone, providing you with the medication given, dosage, time and reason for administration. 


Please also note the importance of ensuring your contact information (along with emergency contacts) remains up to date. It is a parent's/guardian's responsibility to ensure these contact details remain up to date to ensure North Melbourne Primary School staff can contact you if/when required.


Currently this is only being rolled out to our senior school (years 3-6). If your child is part of our junior school and you wish to pass on any updated medical information for your child, please contact the school nurse.


Additionally, if you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the information above, please get in touch with the school nurse.