Message from Principal Sarah
From Sarah Nightingale, Principal
Message from Principal Sarah
From Sarah Nightingale, Principal
As we enter our second week of the school year, it is pleasing to see how students have settled into positive and productive learning environments, including new students to NMPS and our Prep students. Moving schools and starting Prep are such big milestones for the whole family, and we are very proud of all our new students for their positivity, resilience and independence. We welcome you all to NMPS.
The beginning of the school year provides a great opportunity for staff, students and families to begin to build positive relationships and get to know each other well. This is a major focus across the school in the first few weeks of school, as it builds the strong foundation for learning, personal and social growth and achievement.
Along with the new families to NMPS, I’d like to take an opportunity to welcome the new staff who have started with us this year. As we move through the term, our new staff will feature in our newsletter, so please keep your eyes open so you can put faces to names. A full 2025 staff list will be available on our website shortly.
At NMPS we recognise the importance of communication, and we would like all families to know we are available to discuss your child’s learning journey. If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s schooling – academic or wellbeing, please do not hesitate to get in touch with their classroom teacher via Compass. If there is an urgent matter, we advise that you phone the school. To review our full Communication policy, including which staff members to contact for particular matters, please refer to our website.
Our main portal of whole school communication is through Compass. Important updates will be sent via Compass so please ensure you have access to this portal. If you do not yet have access to Compass, please speak to our office staff who will be able to help you. It is also advisable to check to ensure your email address and contact details recorded in Compass are current.
Along with Compass, Year Level and Specialist teams also use SeeSaw to enhance and share your child’s learning journey. Information about the SeeSaw app will be communicated to families at a cohort level.
Year Level Curriculum and Specialist Overviews for the year will be published on our website in the upcoming weeks. This information will give you a summary of the curriculum content that will be taught throughout the year in each year level and specialist area.
In addition to the Curriculum and Specialist Overviews, we invite you to our Meet the Teacher evening and Specialist Open Classrooms this evening. This will give parents the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher and view the Specialist learning areas. More information about Meet the Teacher and Open Classrooms has been shared via Compass.
We look forward to working together with our community to ensure all students have a positive, successful school year.
If you haven’t already received your 2025 NMPS School Calendar, please call into one of our front offices to collect one. This has pre-planned important school dates that you need to be aware of such as Camps, Parent Teacher Interviews and other school events.
We also recommend you check Compass and the newsletter for important calendar dates regularly as dates will be added throughout the year.
In order to assist parents with planning please see the term dates for 2025 below. Please note our Pupil Free Days (Curriculum Days) and Whole School Professional Practice Day are also listed here. Student instruction does not occur on these days.
Start Date Finish Date
Term 1 29 January 4 April (2:30pm dismissal)
Term 2 22 April 4 July (2:30pm dismissal)
Pupil Free Day 23 May
Term 3 22 July 19 September (2:30pm dismissal)
Pupil Free Day 21 July
Professional Practice Day 22 August
Term 4 6 October 19 December (1:30pm dismissal)
Pupil Free Day 3 November
The North Melbourne Primary School Council election process will begin next week. More information, including nomination forms, will be shared via Compass.
You will notice there are ongoing works happening at both campuses that started during the school holidays. While these works will continue throughout the term, we are looking forward to the improvements they bring to both campuses once everything is completed.
Please remind your children to please stay away from fenced off or roped off areas within the school.
Over the holidays our NMPS family grew with the addition of three new arrivals.
We congratulate Nick and Alyce on the safe arrival of baby Charlie on 15th December, Simon and Nicole, who welcomed baby Finley (Finn) on the 27th December, and Helen and Liam, who welcomed Baby Evelyn (Evie) on 7th January. We wish all families well and send our wishes to them while they enjoy this special time.