Kitchen & Garden News

From Erin & Tess, Kitchen garden team

Welcome back to the kitchen Year 4!

Last week we welcomed the Year 4's back into the kitchen, starting the session off with a visit to the garden to observe what had grown over the holidays. Students were asked to choose one thing they noticed in the garden while exploring.


Here are some observations from the garden from 4E


In the garden we noticed.......


The limes were in the shape of an orange

Beautiful plump round peaches

Two giant tomatoes that are ripe and a cucumber shaped like an apple

A bee pollinating a flower

There was a big white eggplant

We have a peach tree!

Strawberries, blueberries and some new and old fantastic flowers

There were fury kinds of plants all around the garden

Tomatoes and flowers and this weird looking thing?

It has lovely flowers and apples 

A big bee and an apple cucumber

The blueberries were not really ripe

A big wasp with yellow and black stripes

There is a lime tree!

I couldn't flick a bug off my hand

The blueberries were a bit sparkly

A big hot pink flower

There was a tiny snail on a tiny flower

A large simple-looking leaf at first glance that, however was very fuzzy and felt a bit like sandpaper

This thing that looked like a potato but was a cucumber

One strawberry had pinkish leaves

Ripe peaches on the tree

Tomatoes, lemons, cucumbers and potato

There were some ripe strawberries and some not ripe strawberries

There was a cucumber that was ball shaped