Grade 1 and 2

Grade One and Two students this term, have continued to develop our understanding of 'Community' in our CBL lessons. We have looked at maps and the key places that make up the Wonga Park community. Students enjoyed considering their connections to these places, such as Cricket Ground, Burch Memorial Kinder, Mount Lofty Bush walk etc. 


On Tuesday the Grade Ones and Twos enjoyed celebrating the launch of the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) by presenting a familiar song, 'Heads, shoulders, knees and toes', with the lyrics sung in local Woiwurrung language. This was very much appreciated by our special visitors including Senator Jana Stewart, Sonja Terpstra MP and Uncle Arbup. 


I know many students came away from the special assembly with new understandings, new wonderings and a deeper connection to the first nations people. Below are some reflections that students made about the day.



In our writing this term, we have been looking at colours, the way that we can describe them and what they mean to us. Students took time to enhance their writing and carefully select words that enable the readers to visualise and experience a snapshot of the colour described. 



We have also been considering gratitude in our writing. We began by thinking about the trees in our community and what we can be grateful for. Here is a snapshot of this writing from our Grade 2s.