Principal's Message 

Julie Crawford 


Newsletter Week 7


It has been a busy few weeks with so many wonderful things happening across our school!


Launch of our Reconciliation Action Plan 

An amazing highlight last week was our special assembly to celebrate the launch of our Reconciliation Action Plan. What a wonderful show support for this important journey with so many of our families attending and our students and teachers coming along in the colours of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags! 


Led by our Marrung leader, Tim Phillips, the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Party has developed our RAP, which will guide how we foster understanding and connection between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the wider community. We look forward to developing meaningful relationships with local Aboriginal Elders, understanding the importance of learning from their wisdom, experiences and stories which have shaped our shared history.


 It was such a joyful assembly with special guests attending to help us celebrate this important milestone –

  • Senator Jana Stewart who is the youngest First Nations woman to be elected to our federal parliament. Jana represents Victoria in the Senate and is Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs. 
  • Sonja Terpstra State Member for North-Eastern Region.  
  • Arbup Peters, Kira Peters and Mark Lumley, members of our passionate Regional Koorie Education team and
  • Mr Richard Lambert who is also a regional Senior Education Improvement Leader who also has the special role of coordinating the Marrung initiative across our region

How fortunate were we to have Arbup begin the assembly with a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony and to hear the kind words of our special guests Senator Jana Stewart and Sonja Terpstra who acknowledged our amazing student contributions and wonderful WPPS community.  Jana and Sonja also presented our school with a new Torres Strait Islander flag to complete our set of Australian flags!

our students added to the delight with their various performances – our preps performed the acknowledgment of Country with actions, our grade 1/2s led the assembly with the song ‘heads, shoulders, knees and toes’ in aboriginal language, our 3/4s had baked lemon myrtle scones and wrote letters to give to our special guests in hand painted cloth bags and our 5/6s presented interesting information about the significance of the local places and Wurundjeri people who lived in the Wonga Park area. Kristy Salisbury, our wonderful visual arts teacher had worked with students to create a magnificent Wominjeka sign to welcome everyone to the assembly and in the newly developed garden space at the front of the school, our Green Team planted indigenous plants with our Koorie visitors and showed them how hand-made colourful stones have brought to life the rainbow snake that meanders through the garden.


Thank you to everyone who made the launch of our RAP such a special moment for our learning community.  We look forward to continuing our reconciliation journey with passion and kindness, creating a space where First Nations peoples are not only seen and heard, but deeply respected and the richness of our diverse community is celebrated.


Student Leaders Badge Presentation

A special assembly to acknowledge and celebrate our 2024 student leaders will be held on Wednesday, 27th March at 9:00am. Family and friends are warmly invited to the assembly.  We are very pleased that our Manningham mayor, Carli Lange will be presenting the badges to our student leaders.


Colour Run Update

Thank you to the families who have already registered for the Colour Run. We have had over 100 students register and we have raised nearly $9,300!  The Colour Run is a highlight for our community each year and this year it is also our major fundraiser!  This year we are hoping to raise $20,000 which will go towards our Creative Play Project! 


Why is the school outsourcing the Colour Run this year?

School Council made the decision to outsource the Colour Run to maximise the fundraising potential and make it our major fundraiser for the year. Using the expertise of an external company also reduces the workload on teachers who organise and run the event.

What does Australian Fundraising provide?

Australian Fundraising provides the coloured powder, bottles, rainbow sunglasses, headbands & wrist bands, slime, prizes, sponsorship booklets, inflatable arch, posters, banner and online platform for registration.

How do I register?

Use the QR code in the fundraising booklet your child has brought home. Create a profile page and you’re good to start getting your sponsors!

Can you still collect cash donations?

Yes. There are pages at the back of the ’School Run4Fun’ booklet where donations can be recorded.  Before the fundraising close date, you can convert all cash to online.  See instructions on the second last page of the booklet.

Is there an alternative to my child receiving prizes?

Yes. Families can nominate to donate to the Smith Family’s student2student reading program, OzHarvest, The Great Barrier Reef or Carbon Neutral.

What are the ways I can register my child to participate?

As this is our major fundraiser for the year, our preference is that families register online to participate.  There will be an option to pay on the night before the event.  The cost will be $15.00 per head.  Students will receive their glasses and headbands upon payment as proof of registration.  (PLEASE NOTE - Fundraising donations can still be made at the office.  There will be NO Trybooking option as previously advised.

Will there be a BBQ at the Colour Run?

Yes! There will be a sausage sizzle & drinks for sale.


Easter Raffle

Many thanks for the donations of Easter bunnies and eggs for our upcoming raffle! It’s not too late if you would still like to send something along. Please send back raffle tickets and money by Tuesday, 26th March.  The raffle will be drawn at our final assembly on Thursday, 28th March, starting at 1:40pm.


Expressions Program

We are looking forward to the Expressions Programs this week.  There are so many fun activities including a visit to ACMI and the musical ‘Wicked’, Basketball 101 and Touch Rugby 101 workshops, Lettering with Amy, Magic Capes, Electric Buzz and Light and Sound.  Great opportunities for our students to follow a passion or find a new one!


Kind regards
