Shining Star Award 

 Term 1 – Assembly 2





Laila CLaila, I love the way you work with such focus to take care with your learning and the presentation of your work. It inspires those around you!
 Aden RAden, watching you learn is a true joy. You take on challenges, ask thoughtful questions and share your wise thinking. I can’t wait to see what you achieve this year! 


Charlie BCharlie, you have approached school life with a positive attitude and enthusiasm to make new friends. You are a thoughtful and kind member of our community, always willing to help your friends.  
 Noa DNoa, thank you for brining your curiosity about learning into our classroom each day. Your eagerness to learn is inspiring! Great effort Noa! 


Ava DAva, you are a kind, caring and thoughtful member of our 1A community. You approach each day with eagerness and give everything your best. You are an inspiration to your peers. 
 Heidi WHeidi, I love your approach to learning. You are thoughtful and a friend to all. You give everything your personal best and strive for excellence! Thank you for being a caring member of our classroom community. 


Evie FWe all appreciate the kindness you show to the people in our classroom community and for all the little things you do to take care of our space. Thank you Evie! 
 Harry BYour bright and happy infectious energy helps to make our classroom a joyful place to be. We enjoy hearing your stories and sharing your pride in the work you produce. Keep shining brightly, Harry! 


Hendrix TYou are such a valued part of our class. You are kind, helpful, friendly and always try your best. Great effort! 
 Bonnie CBonnie, you shine so brightly everyday. You are so friendly and kind to all of our 1/2C friends. You are hard working and strive for your personal best! Well done! 


Ben CFor showing great persistence and determination to achieve a goal – Well done, Ben, never stop trying! 
 Ava MFor sharing your kind and caring nature with us all, thanks for your gentle reminders about ways to keep us connected in our 2A community!  


Indiana SIndiana, I love your positive attitude towards learning. Your interesting and descriptive vocabulary creates vivid images in our minds and inspires others.  
 Kruze CKruze, I love the way you take on challenges in Mathematics with eagerness and determination. You are an inspiration to others! 


Eva McWhat an amazing start you have had to Grade 3! You have been such a caring and thoughtful friend in 3A, and continue to make a huge effort to ensure all of your peers feel included and supported. Keep it up!  


Ingrid PIngrid, I have been so impressed by your focus in class and your dedication to giving your best effort in all areas. You are flourishing in Grade Three! 


Charli KCharli, you listen carefully and work with eagerness and persistence during every single task. You inspire us with your thoughtfulness and effort. Keep up the wonderful work! 
 Flynn BFlynn, we love your sense of humour and your deep thinking. You offer insight and understanding in all our classroom discussions. We also love the way you take time to work and play collaboratively with others. Well done! 


Celeste MCeleste, you are consistently determined to achieve your personal best. You listen intently and share your ideas during class discussions.  Keep up the great work! 


Harper MFor your creative ideas, always following class values and being respectful of your teachers and your peers. 


James AJames, we are so impressed with how you are always willing to put your hand up answer questions or to share your own ideas! You are an amazing learner! Keep up your brilliant attitude to learning! 


Charli ZCharli, you are the ultimate team player, you are always ready to jump in and lend a hand without being asked. We are so lucky to have you not only in 5B but at Wonga Park this year, I’m so proud of the way you have settled into our community! 


Brandon FThanks for being a positive, respectful, and kind leader in 5C. We’re so lucky to have you! 


MitchellYou are consistently engaged in all class discussions and offer lots of thoughtful ideas. It shows how much you value learning and inspires others to do the same. 


William BFor the support you provide and the connection you foster when participating in whole class debates and discussions. Your powers of persuasion are epic mate!  


Sam GSam, I have noticed the way you are actively working towards approaching your learning with a more positive attitude. It has been lovely hearing you speak with a growth mindset, graciously accepting the result of games, listening to feedback, and seeing your gorgeous smile more often. Keep it up!