Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden 

What we've been making...

In the kitchen program this past fortnight, students have made Cheesy Zucchini Muffins and Pear Crumble. See the photos below of students cooking and the finished products!


Volunteers needed!

When volunteers have signed up, students have worked in four groups. They have been provided the opportunity to learn how to grate, chop, peel, measure and estimate in a safe adult to student ratio. Unfortunately, some groups have only had half the experience, due to low sign up of volunteers in both kitchen and garden classes. This means the program can't operate to its full capacity. Please reach out to friends and family members who would be willing to give up two hours for kitchen class, or one hour for garden class, once a fortnight. This will give our students in Grade 3 and 4 the full benefit from this amazing program. 

The program teaches children to love and respect growing wholesome food, harvesting, preparing, cooking, as well as eating pleasurable, nutritious food together. Classes need four adults per session.

Garden classes have also been compromised due to low volunteers. We need four adults per garden class to assist students to fulfil the jobs required for growing fresh food.


Requirements for helping

A Working With Children check is easy to apply for online, at no cost. It is essential that you have signed a Code of Conduct for 2024 and attended a Child Safe Training session with Adele Brice. This training only takes 30 minutes. The next session is on Monday 25th March 5.00-5.30pm (online). You will find the link of the parent calendar on Sentral or listed below:

Meeting number: 2652 981 0695

Password: 6ScMmuttV26


Kellybrook Grade 4 Excursion

It's been 4 years since our Grade 4s have visited our local farm. This year, Jenny Kelly welcomed our students into the vineyard to taste fruit of the vines. Lots of interesting information was shared and students could ask the farmer their wonderings.

Students were also invited to spend time in the beautiful Kellybrook garden and lie beneath the whimsical, grand oak tree. It was wonderful to see how the garden inspired students to create a piece of writing or a detailed drawing of what was seen, heard and felt. 


Dimi Mioni 

SAKGP Coordinator & Facillitator