Parents' Association

President- Mrs Jordan, Vice President - Mrs Di Gennaro, Treasurer - Mrs Van Prooyen, Secretary - Mrs Ross, Fundraising Co-ordinator - Ms Berardini, Community Engagement - Mrs Edgcumbe,  Class Rep Coordinator - Mrs Campbell/Mrs Heard

PA Update

The friendship list link has been sent via Compass, so don’t forget to add your details and we’d love some new faces to help out as class reps, it’s not an overwhelming role, but a great way to get involved in the school community. Also look out for a message about the sick bay linen roster. 


Events coming up this term include;

1 - Pancake day, Tuesday 20th February 

2 -  POPS Welcome night - food van and picnic fun, Friday 23rd February 

3 - COLOUR RUN! We are very excited to be running our first Colour Run as our major fundraiser for 2024!  More details will be sent home shortly, I’m sure the kids will be very excited! All kids get the opportunity to earn a prize (or you can donate to charity) when they raise over $10  - Monday 18th March.

Any queries please email


Thanks Monica Jordan

President- Parents Association