From the Principal

15 February, 2024

The Presentation Assembly last Monday kicked off week 3 at POPS with great enthusiasm. We extended a warm welcome to our foundation students, fostering a sense of belonging in our school community. Our year five buddies provided fantastic support to their younger peers, and our year six leaders proudly received their leadership badges.


During the assembly, Nicole Werner MP, a member of Warrandyte, delivered a speech emphasising the essence of leadership as serving others and contributing to the community. She highlighted the idea that true leadership is demonstrated through actions. Nicole praised our exceptional students and the supportive environment within our community.

Disability Inclusion and Mental Health Funding

The Victoria Department of Education and Training has allocated funds to improve Disability Inclusion, Mental Health, and Well-being in government schools. This investment aims to ensure academic and personal growth for every student, regardless of ability. Inner East schools have received funding this year.


This funding allows our school to:

  1. Provide training and professional development for teachers and staff on disability inclusion and mental health.
  2. Seek expert advice on various disabilities or mental health issues.
  3. Offer professional development and support for implementing the Disability. Inclusion Profile, which identifies student needs and adjustments.
  4. Acquire equipment and resources for student learning support.

In line with this investment, we've introduced two new roles at POPS:

1. Disability Inclusion Leader - Ms Hahn. 

Ms Hahn will fill this role every Monday, with Mrs Carbone covering her class. Ms Hahn will promote disability inclusion and enhance staff knowledge at POPS.

2. Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader - Mrs Debono. 

Mrs Debono will take on this role every Friday, with Ms Grigg covering her class. Mrs Debono will focus on promoting student mental health and supporting staff in this area.

Heat Health

Due to this week's scorching temperatures, we have implemented our Heat Health policy to help the school effectively prepare for and handle the risks associated with extreme heat. The measures put in place by the school on exceptionally hot days to safeguard the health of both students and staff include: 

  • Using air conditioners. 
  • Closing blinds to keep rooms cool. 
  • Modifying or rescheduling vigorous activities in direct sunlight. 
  • Reducing break times outside. 
  • When outside, ensuring sunscreen is applied, hats are worn and students play in shaded areas. 

Bushfire At Risk Register (BARR)

Due to recent weather conditions, it's vital to note that POPS is classified as a BARR school with an Emergency Management Plan, including procedures for bushfires. 


If the Bureau of Meteorology forecasts a Catastrophic fire danger rating in our district, POPS will be closed for the day. Closure decisions will be confirmed by 1 pm the day prior, communicated via Compass and SMS if needed. Ensure contact details in Compass are up to date for effective communication.

Exciting News- POPS Colour Run- Monday, March 18

On Monday's assembly, the school will be launching the Parents' Association Major Fundraising event a Colour Run. An information brochure about the event and how to begin fundraising will be sent home on Monday. The money from this fundraising event will be used to purchase some new furniture for our new Library and Wellbeing space.



Don't forget to go to the From the Classroom Page to read some 3/4 'Summer' writing pieces.


Visit the Student Wellbeing page to read about digital technology and being a digital citizen.


Have a great weekend,


Ms Garrity (Principal)


Key Dates:

Friday Feb 23- Welcome Back Evening- 5-7pm

Save the date Curriculum Day Fri March 8 (TBC)