Wellbeing & Thrive

Spotlight On Year 6

Interviewed by Olivia & Yoanna - Communication Leaders



Sophia Tan - Mission Leader  

Why did you want to become a Mission leader?

 I chose to be Mission leader because my mum told me about all the people in the world suffering, so I decided I wanted to make a difference and being a Mission Leader would be the first step.


If you could, where would you live around the world?

If I were to live anywhere in the world, I would live somewhere that is in poverty and go around to help them as much as possible, as Mission Leader and give them something they may not have experienced before.


If you have $1000, what would you do with it?

With $1000 I would find different charities for different causes and give it to them, not only just donating, but buying things to donate, to provide for the poor and give them a better chance of a better life.


Which famous person can you relate to?

The most famous person I can relate to Taylor Swift is because she’s been through so much, just like me, and she’s my role model. She’s kind, caring and passionate to what she likes, which is one of the most important things to me, as a Christian.


What is the biggest thing that you will do to follow your faith?

The biggest thing I would do to follow my faith would be to make sure I do little things like pray, read the Bible, or keep a journal of my thoughts, to expand what I could do in this world. I could do little things with a big impact, like donating to charities, such as Vinnies, and I could do this to ensure everyone a little more love.


Scarlett Kim  - Mission Leader

If you could, which 3 people would you stay with for a day?

If I could have anyone to stay with for the day, I would want Olivia Rodrigo, because her music is great, my Mum because she provides so much, and my grandma, because she has a tough background, and inspires me to keep grounded and follow what I believe in.


What is your favourite movie and why?

My favourite movie is True Spirit, about Jessica Watson, because it inspires me to chase my dreams and to never give up. It’s great motivation, inspires me to do what I want to do, and how the little steps of dreaming can make a huge change. 


If you have magic, what power would you like to have?

If I had magic, my power would be Mind-Reading, because I want to know how other people think and feel, so I could help them if they were struggling, as in if anyone was feeling down, by reading their mind I could try and support them.


Would you stay in Holy Family forever if you could?

If I could stay in Holy Family, I would stay a long time, but not all my life. Moving on is an important part of life, and dealing with change, although it can sometimes be hard, it is an important step to help us achieve.


What is something that you are looking forward to in Year 6?

This year, I am looking forward to experiencing what it’s like to be a Mission Leader and the joys of friendship and family before high school. I’m looking forward to the Leadership step-up and the ability to build my smart thinking as a Leader.


Melissa Overton  - Wellbeing Coordinator