
At Mater Dei Catholic College, we believe that developing a love of learning in the early years of secondary schooling is so important.
This is why we have incorporated the use of Maths Pathway Flex as a tool to assist us to best support the learning of Mathematics for Year 7 and 8 students.
Our teaching team continue to work hard to target the specific learning needs of each child, and there are a few things that will happen in the classroom that might be different from their previous maths experience:
All students start Year 7 with a Diagnostic with the idea that students will be given work that is appropriate and at the level that they are ready for. This diagnostic pinpoints exactly where the student is in their maths learning against the whole maths curriculum.
Teacher Led Instruction
Each lesson, students are able to learn from an experienced teacher who will lead them through the core mathematical concepts appropriate to that lesson. This is accompanied by the opportunity to collaborate with their peers and complete a series of practice questions which will demonstrate a level of mastery of the content taught.
Personalised Learning
Students will experience a truly differentiated classroom where they will be given the capacity to work effectively and independently. We look to ensure that all students maximise their mathematical potential by giving them access to modules they are ready for. Each module is part of a coherent sequence of learning that ensures students are building a deep understanding as they progress.
Rich Tasks
Class-wide rich learning tasks that aim to get your child excited and engaged in problem solving using the maths skills they’ve developed, alongside their friends.
Students will be expected to complete any work that they did not finish in class at home. Even if they have finished the set work from class, they have bonus modules to complete for extra revision.
This means that every student can experience success in Maths.
Mr Kurt McPherson | Mathematics KLA Leader