
Meet + Eat + Greet
Last Friday, our school community came together on a beautiful, warm evening for our annual Parents in Community grEATing event.
It was a great atmosphere, as we gathered to enjoy freshly cooked oliebollen, croquettes, hot chips, BBQ and a variety of food vendors.
Seeing our older students facepainting and hair-braiding their younger peers was lovely, as was the live music. They also enjoyed circus acts and putt-putt golf.
We would like to thank all the volunteers that make events like this possible - it is so appreciated, and grEATing would not be possible without you!
Swimming Carnivals
Last Friday, our Year 3 to 6 students enjoyed a wonderful day at the Riverside Swimming Centre. It was a beautiful day in the pool - and Mr Lichtendonk did an amazing job running his first Swimming Carnival.
Barrow are on a winning streak this year - with the house taking out the Primary title for 2024! A huge thank you to all our staff, helpers and volunteers - and to Riverside Pool for hosting the event.
On Wednesday (in week 2), our Secondary School headed to Riverside Swimming Centre for their annual swimming carnival. The atmosphere was awesome, and we were blessed with beautiful weather. There was great participation from students, and Barrow continued their dominance in the pool - securing their 6th title in a row!
Final tally:
Barrow 1344
Melaleuca 1132
Tamar 1091
After the event, we received some encouraging and positive feedback from families about the day. One of the parents who joined our community this year wrote: "Hands down, the best swim carnival I've attended in a long shot... a top day of fun and excellent participation."
Congratulations and thank you to Mr Bosker, Riverside Pool, and the team on such an amazing day in the pool!
Maria Island - Year 10 Camp
Last Tuesday, staff and Year 10 students headed to Maria Island for four amazing days in God's stunning creation. The trip started off with some excitement when the big bus broke down just after Bunnings Kings Meadows. Thankfully everyone stayed calm, and we didn't have to wait too long until the replacement bus appeared, and we loaded the baggage onto the new bus. After a brief stop in Campbell Town we met up with the rest of the group, ready to catch the ferry to the island.
When we reached the island, staff and students loaded all our gear into the trolleys and took it to our campsite. We then spent the afternoon setting up our tents, while tame wombats and wallabies grazed nearby. That evening, students cooked their first meals. There was an amazing assortment of cooking, but spaghetti bolognaise seemed to be the favourite. We then walked to the Fossil Cliffs, before returning to the campsite for devotions.
That evening it was very windy! We survived the night, and thankfully the following two nights were wind-free, and we were able to sleep much better!
During the camp the four groups took turns partaking in the following activities:
Amazing Race around Darlington
Hiking Bishop and Clerk
Bike Ride to Frenchs Farm
Snorkelling and SUPing
On the final evening, we experienced an incredible sunset, as Mr Armstrong took devotions on the top of the hill. Our experience on Maria was capped off that following morning, as we walked to the Painted Cliffs for one last swim and snorkel. A group of students took the opportunity to hike Bishop and Clerk to see the sunrise - leaving at 4.30am, and incredibly made it up the mountain in 1 hour and 19minutes! It was well worth it, and a beautiful sunrise awaited them.
Maria Island is an incredible place to visit and be in God's creation. A huge thank you to the dedicated staff who made this camp possible: Mr Bosker, Mr Armstrong, Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Winter, Miss Connors, Mrs Peters, Mr Bain, Mr Jose and Mr Jessup. Another big thank you goes to Mr and Mrs Bosker Senior - who cooked all the staff's meals and helped with so many other things during the camp. We pray that students come away from this camp more resilient and closer to God.
Wellbeing @ LCS
We are excited to share that Mrs Matthews and Miss Connors have joined our Student Support team in 2024. Our Student Wellbeing staff promote the mental, emotional, spiritual, social and relational wellbeing of our students.
Mrs Matthews (right) has a passion for working with primary-aged students and supporting them through their journey. Miss Connors (left) loves working with youth and her passion lies within allowing individuals to feel seen, heard and valued.
We are so thankful to have Mrs Matthews and Miss Connors working in these roles and pray the Lord will use their amazing work to help our students thrive in 2024.
From the Office
Thank you for being proactive in updating your children’s details in Parent Lounge. We appreciate your valuable partnership. Having information about your child’s most recent swimming level, carnival permission, medical details and emergency contacts are essential for successful and safe camps, carnivals and excursions.
We’ve had a number of queries about how to update a student’s emergency contacts on the system. This is done under Parent Details which then gets fed through to the student’s details. Please find a step-by-step guide to do this here if you have not already completed this step.
Outside School Hours Care - LCS Campus
In partnership with Hope Discovery, we are delighted to offer Launceston Christian School families after school care in 2024.
We understand the pressures and demands families face as they schedule work commitments around schooling.
Hope Discovery is taking enrolments to host after school hours care on LCS premises now, and sessions will begin on Monday the 5th of February, 3.15-6pm, for LCS students aged 4-12.Contact or call 03 6343 4614 for information about pricing and to enrol students. Details in the attached flier.
Produce Needed for Food Tech Classes
Hi everyone, we in the Foods department are wondering if anyone has spare produce that we could use in our year10 classes??
We'd particularly like something for jam- eg plums, peaches etc
And then tomatoes for relish.
We have 32 students- so 16 kilos of anything would be fabulous. Smaller amounts also welcome, we can be creative with ingredients.
We've already made zucchini relish so don't need them.
Thanks in advance,
Michelle and Michelle
Itinerant Music Teachers 2024
LCS has a number of instrument teachers who take students for individual lessons at school during school hours. This is an excellent way to learn an instrument and can help students make much faster progress on their instrument. It is recommended that student’s seriously contemplating studying music from grades 9 onwards definitely consider having some private instrument tuition to further their overall music advancement. Any student in grades 5 – 8 who are serious about starting an instrument should also have lessons in order to learn crucial proper technique early in their playing life.
Students continuing lessons from last year will be individually contacted by their teachers to organise lessons for the year.
If you would like your child to start having lessons this year please email Mr Stewart ( ) and include the following details;
Students name:
Instrument to have lessons on:
Contact phone number:
Your contact details (phone and email)
This will be passed on to a relevant teacher who will contact you for further details.
We currently have teachers available for the following instruments:
Clarinet/saxophone and Flute
Brass (trumpet etc)
Follow LCS on Instagram
LCS is excited to launch our official Instagram account! Please give us a follow:
Parking @ LCS
Please make yourself familiar with our policy above, but here are some key details around parking @ LCS:
- The turning circle cannot be used for any dropping off or picking up of students before or after school.
- At all times, West Tamar Highway or Windsor Park must be used for the purpose of picking students up from and dropping them off for school.
My Christian School
Our students go into the world with Christian hope in their hearts. A new generation of Aussies who love to volunteer, to serve their communities and to build strong families.
At the heart of this difference is the living Christian faith of teachers and staff. People whose lives model the grace and love of Christ. However, proposals from the Australian Law Reform Commission threaten to change this. Hiring a teacher or staff member at a Christian school because they are actually a Christian may soon be seen as discrimination.
My Christian School is for Australians who believe in this difference.
Together, we can preserve this precious difference for future generations.
Subscribe to show your support and stay informed:
2024 Fee Schedule
From the Cancer Council
Uniform Shop Hours
Monday to Friday
8:30 am - 9:30 am
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
If you have any inquiries regarding uniforms, please get in touch with our Uniform Coordinator, Anne Rixon, at 0400573902
A REMINDER: LCS Uniform Policy - Shoes
Designated sports shoes only
LCS Volunteer Application Form
At LCS, we believe in the importance of fostering a positive, supportive community. We believe that parents and community members are essential partners in achieving this goal, and we would like to invite you to consider volunteering at LCS. We welcome your involvement if you have a specific skill or talent to share or simply want to lend a helping hand.
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below and return it to the Office/email it to together with the required documentation.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you.