2024 Dates
Week 6
Monday 4th March: Community Connections #2
Tuesday 5th March: Boys to the Bush
Wednesday 6th March: CyberSafety evening
- compulsory for all Grade 5 & 6 students that wish to take their iPads home
- sausage sizzle from 5.30pm
- presentation @ 6.00pm
Friday 8th March: Pupil Free Day
Saturday 9th March: Elmore Charity Ball (a fundraiser for our school)
Week 7
Monday 11th March: Public Holiday
Tuesday 12th March: Boys to the Bush
Wednesday 13th March - Friday 15th March: Grade 5/6 Camp
- Sovereign Hill, Ballarat
Thursday 14th March: Community Connections #3
Friday 15th March: Kelly Sports & Auslan
Saturday 16th March: Elmore Tractor Pull (a major fundraiser for our school)
Week 8
Monday 18th March: Community Connections #4
Monday 18th March: Courage & Crowns - day 2
- Mother & Daughter night @ 6.30pm
- Pizza provided from 6.00pm
Tuesday 19th March: Boys to the Bush
Tuesday 19th March: Feast of St Joseph
Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th March: Learning Conversations
Friday 22nd March: Golden Hammer Day
Week 9
Monday 25th March: Community Learning Day - Holy Week
Tuesday 26th March: Chrism Mass - Grade 6 students
Wednesday 27th March: Campaspe Teams Tennis (2 teams have been entered
Wednesday 27th March: PnF AGM @ 7.00pm
Thursday 28th March: End of Term
2024 Pupil Free Days - please put these into your calendar.
- Some dates have not been finalised. Families will be notified as soon as possible.