Student Learning

Our Foundation students have now completed their first 20 days of school! Zero the Hero came back into the classroom to help celebrate our first 20 days of school!
Reading: Foundation students have learnt 3 new reading strategies - analysing, summarising and stretchy snake. They received decodable readers to help with sounding out words.
Writing: Foundation students have been working hard on writing some new letters. They have been learning to write d, g, o and b and are starting to form short sentences. Students practised their rhyming words on their whiteboards. Ask your child how many rhyming words they know?
Maths: Students have been learning how to collect data to make a graph, the meaning of less and more and using tens frames to make 20. Our Blitz is very popular amongst the students, they all get very excited to move up levels. Well done to Charli who moved up to level 3 this week!
Year 1/2
Writing: The students have enjoyed writing recounts about their weekends. Additionally, they have brainstormed ideas about family members to incorporate into their writing.
Maths: The students are continuing to explore place value. They were able to draw, construct, and write each number.
Spelling: We have looked at the short and long 'a' sounds and made these adorable umbrellas as a visual aid. During our lesson, students observed that the long 'a' sound is spelled 'ay' when it appears at the end of a word, but 'ai' when it occurs in the middle.
Year 3/4
Maths: Students have been working to solve Same Surface Different Deep task in Math. Here Charlie and Marchello are using unifix cubes to solve a problem.
The Resilience Project: During The Resilience Project, 3/4s are embracing a growth mindset, learning about the parts of the brain and what they do. They set their own goals to practice a growth mindset.
Spelling: 3/4 students have been partner testing with their spelling words. It is fantastic to see students working together to achieve their goals and being proud of their achievements!
Year 5/6
Our 5/6 students have commenced work on chance and probability this week. Probability is always on a scale of 0 and 1. There is a 100% chance that the 5/6 children have worked hard all week doing NAPLAN testing.