Positive Climate for Learning

Thank you to our school community – students, parents, carers for an excellent start to 2024.
Overall, it has been a very positive start to 2024, with students engaged in class, arriving on time and living our school values – Respect, Resilience, Care.
Across year levels students have already experienced a variety of activities, some with incursions, excursions and sporting events, with students representing themselves and the school well.
Our new uniform items have launched very well, with many students already wearing our new every-day and sports short-sleeved polos.
Thank you to everyone for your support of, and your pride in, our new items.
Please continue to ensure your child attends school each day in full uniform.
There has been a large increase in the number of water pistols and water balloons being brought to school on the recent hot days we have experienced.
PLEASE NOTE – students are not permitted to bring either of these to school.
Students are not, by law, permitted to bring any item to school that in any way resembles a gun.
Any such items will be confiscated and are not returnable.
As a matter of protecting themselves and their personal property, all students are required to have a functioning lock on their school lockers.
The school cannot take responsibility for personal property. Locks can be purchased from the school office, at a cost of $15.00.
Please contact the office if you would like to purchase a lock.
Alternately, please ensure your student has a lock for their locker.
Kind regards,
Annette Spence
Assistant Principal
Positive Climate for Learning