Principal's Report

‘If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?
Welcome to the latest edition of the school newsletter, I trust the last fortnight has gone well for all in our school community. We are already halfway through the term, and it is wonderful to see how most students have settled in the groove of focused learning.
I make special mention of Year 7 who have taken to their Secondary school journey like the proverbial ducks to water.
I appreciate that we all lead full lives and time can be of the essence, so I don’t intend these Principal reports to be very long.
I wanted to highlight a study I read recently about the importance of parents in the lives of their children.
Parents were asked as part of this study, ‘If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?’
The answers included a list of ‘celebrities’ from all sorts of different fields – music, film, sport, politics etc.
The same question was the asked of their children whose universal response to the question was – Mum and Dad, and family.
None of us should lose sight of the fact that as parents we have the most important job in the world.
Make your children a priority and never forget that YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO THEM.’
Michael Rathborne
College Principal