Year 12

On the 12th of February on Monday, the year 12 cohort had the honour of having guest speaker, Arthur Bolkas paid us a visit.
He spoke honestly about his life experience. Educating us on how to deal with the struggles and failures of life and how to overcome them.
Arthur shared that hard work will always pay off and that we won't have any regrets in staying consistent and disciplined.
Arthur became a criminologist even after he spent time in prison, he currently rehabilitates prisoners and is an inspiring speaker for many young people. Arthur showed us the meaning of perseverance and how every action has a consequence.
On Wednesday the 14th of February, the year 12 VCE students were involved in the incursion, Success Integrated.
Guest speaker, Himil Pillay (along with a DJ) spoke to us about VCE Success Strategies including study strategies, motivation and self-talk, time management, resilience and organisation skills as well allowing us to take notes and estimate the study scores, ATAR and future job that we wish to achieve in the future.
Himil also shared his family life and childhood when he was going through high school, and what life was like for him through those tough hurdles during his school life.
Overall, the incursion was extremely beneficial to all as we learnt numerous VCE skills that we can apply to our learning and when it comes to the time to prepare for SAC's and Exams.
Thank you, Himil!
-Mayah Obamwonyi
Friday the 16th of February is year 12 captains had the honour of attending the national young leader’s day program, Within the program we joined a range of different schools with leaders of all ages.
This experience allowed us to take the time to understand what a leader truly is and how we can achieve our best as leaders.
The program gave us the opportunity to listen to the brilliant guest speakers Anastasia Woolmer, Bryson Klein, Jane Bunn and Melissa Barbieri who all shared their experiences as a leader while also sharing their personal struggles and obstacles they had to overcome in the past to get to where they are now.
This program taught us a lot of valuable information on what it takes to be leader, how we can be the best leader for ourselves and others.
This experience was absolutely unforgettable, so much light was shared on the scary parts of being a young leader and us year 12 leaders are very grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this amazing program and to learn so much.
-Karla Roets
Every Monday gold week during lunchtime the Year 12 team hosts an activity for the Year 12 students.
This week we hosted trivia and had a wonderful time together!
Congratulations to our winning groups!