Around the Classrooms

ELC and Outside School Hours Care
Over the past few weeks the ELC/OSHC children have become aware of the wonders of planting their own garden. It is crucial to instil a sense of responsibility, curiosity and connection with nature in our young learners. The benefits of teaching children to grow plants are plentiful.
All of the children have enjoyed watering and picking the fresh produce to add into our afternoon tea meals. Having our very own garden means that the children have the ability to help care for the produce and take pride as it grows. Growing plants is like a story unfolding, as children observe changes in their plants they learn to think and figure things out.
Children have been enjoying going home with the ingredients collected and have made dishes such as salads and stir-frys.
Over the next weeks we will be making sure to be aware of our food scraps so we can start a worm farm and keep extending on this wonderful journey.
In Kindergarten, our little learners have been delving into the exciting world of literacy! From storybook sessions to engaging name recognition, writing and initial sound exercises, our students have been developing their love for learning and discovery.
Primary Japanese
Our youngest students in the Early Learning Centre (ELC) have started their weekly Japanese lessons. In the first lesson with Mrs Allan, the students learnt to call her Sensei, which means teacher.
Our Kindergarten students have also started their weekly Japanese classes, welcoming a new year, a new school year and for some, a new school.
The students learnt that the word for welcome is 'youkoso'.
Year 9/10 Dance
Over the past couple of weeks, our Yr 9/10 Dance elective students have been fortunate to have an artist in residence - hip-hop artist Johan Manurung.
Johan has been choreographing and teaching them a high-energy routine with the view to entering the group in an upcoming Eisteddfod.