A Word from the Principal

Megan Richardson

 Heavenly Father, 
As we enter into this sacred season of Lent, 
We humbly come before you with contrite hearts, 
Seeking your mercy and grace.
 Grant us the strength to embrace the disciplines of Lent - Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving - So that we may draw closer to you in holiness. 
Help us to turn away from sin and selfishness, 
And to turn towards you with sincerity and devotion. 
May this season be a time of spiritual renewal and transformation, 
Wherein we die to ourselves and rise anew in Christ. 
Grant us the courage to confront our weaknesses,
And the humility to seek your forgiveness. 
Fill us with your Holy Spirit, 
That we may be guided by your wisdom and love. 
Bless us with a spirit of generosity and compassion, 
That we may share our blessings with those in need. May our fasting be a source of strength, 
And our prayers a channel of grace. 
Lord, as we journey through this Lenten season, 
Draw us ever closer to your Sacred Heart. 
May our hearts be purified, 
And our souls be nourished by your Word.
 We offer this prayer through Christ our Lord, 
Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, 
One God, forever and ever. Amen.

Lenten Reflections

As we embark on the journey of Lent, the air is imbued with a sense of introspection and renewal. Here at Mount Carmel College, amidst the bustling corridors and classrooms, we are called to deepen our spiritual connections; not only as individuals but also as members of the larger family unit. During these first weeks of Lent, let us pause to reflect on the significance of family in our lives. Our families serve as the cornerstone of support, love, and faith, providing us with a nurturing environment in which to grow and flourish. As such, it is fitting to consider how we can strengthen our familial bonds during this sacred season. 


At the heart of Lenten observance lies the call to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. As a family, we can come together to embrace these practices, enriching our spiritual lives and fostering a deeper sense of unity. Here are a few suggestions on how we can do this: 

  1. Family Prayer: Dedicate time each day for family prayer and reflection. Whether it's gathering around the dinner table or setting aside a special space in the home, let us join in prayer, lifting up our intentions and petitions to God as a collective unit.
  2. Fasting as a Family: Consider adopting a family fast during Lent. This could involve abstaining from a particular indulgence or setting aside a designated day for fasting and simplicity. By sharing in this practice together, we not only grow in self-discipline but also in empathy and solidarity with those who are less fortunate. 
  3. Acts of Service: Engage in acts of service as a family, reaching out to those in need within our community. Whether it's volunteering at a local shelter, organising a donation drive, or simply offering a helping hand to a neighbour, let us embody the spirit of charity and compassion. 
  4. Family Reflections: Take time to engage in meaningful discussions and reflections as a family. Explore the themes of repentance, forgiveness, and renewal, and how they manifest in our daily lives. Encourage open dialogue and active listening, allowing each family member to share their thoughts and insights.

As we journey through these initial weeks of Lent, let us be mindful of the profound impact our families can have on our spiritual growth and development. May we seize this opportunity to draw closer to one another and to God, nurturing the bonds of love and faith that unite us as a family in Christ.

Year 7 - 10 Athletics Carnival

Today we enjoyed the opportunity as Secondary students and staff to participate in our annual Athletics Carnival at the Domain. Supported by a sense of community, participation and doing more for your House, our girls competed in a range of events across track and field.  Congratulations to every student who tried something new, tried their best, won points for their House and encouraged another.

Primary School Leaders Commissioning

Today we also celebrated the commissioning of our Primary School Leaders.  Congratulations to our Year 6 students as they model Gospel values, support students throughout the College and support our Year 10 Leaders in their portfolios.  


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