Meet our Junior School Council


This week we asked our Junior School Executive Frankie Brown, Quinn Hussey, Willow Jolly and Calvin Traill three  questions regarding their thoughts and ideas for the Junior School Council for 2024 and to learn a little bit more about them.

What motivated you to nominate for JSC Ambassador?

QH My motivation to nominate for J.S.C was seeing the previous ambassadors stand up at assembly and being amazing leaders. I just wanted to be a part of that and do my best to help everyone at this school.

CT I have been motivated ever since I was in Prep watching the leaders at assembly calling all the shots. I have wanted to be one ever since.

WJ My motivation started when I was in Prep. I went to the first assembly and saw the J.S.C at the front. We were told they were so important and our school leaders. From the first time that I saw them to the 2023 final assembly I knew that I wanted to be like them and accomplish great things for our school just like our previous J.S.C’s.

FB My motivation for becoming a J.S.C member was to help around the school, making the school a better place and getting to speak at assembly. I’ve always wanted to be a J.S.C member ever since Prep.


What would you like to achieve this year as JSC Ambassador?

QH I would like to achieve as part of the J.S.C is to give ideas to make this fantastic school even better and to also donate to different foundations by having fun days like the colour run and zooper dooper days. 

CT What I want to promote as a J.S.C ambassador is to promote welfare among the school and to expand the school’s influence in the community. I would also like to raise more money for different foundations eg Downs Syndrome and Epilepsy awareness.

WJ As a member of the 2024 J.S.C Executive I want to be able to achieve improvement for the school, teachers, parents and my peers. I always have and will continue to make every person at our school feel welcomed, safe and included in every activity. There are plenty of other things I would like to accomplish including; keeping the yard clean, raising money for school funds, repairing broken things/ leaks etc. I would hope that my fellow J.S.C members, the community team and the Year 3-5 representatives are able to achieve amazing things for our school during my last year here.

FB I would like to achieve so many great things while being a part of the J.S.C for the 2024 school year like being confident at speaking and assembly and making sure everyone at school knows that this is a safe place to make friends, to learn and talk. I’m so excited for the year ahead for this will be my last year at Warrnambool Primary School.


What’s your favourite hobby outside of school?

QH Outside of school some of my hobbies are different sports , games and being with my family. Some of the sports include footy, cricket (sometimes) and basketball. And games include board games and video games with friends.

CT Some of my hobbies I enjoy doing are basketball, football, soccer, reading, running and cycling. I also enjoy learning about geography and history. My favourite books to read are the Harry Potter series or Diary of a Whimpy kid.

WJ Outside of school I enjoy playing basketball and other sports but also practising for them. I also enjoy reading novels like the goosebumps series, creating art and baking sweets.

FB My hobbies outside of school include; hockey, drawing and reading. At the moment I’m reading the Harry Potter series. I hope to accomplish this by the end of the year. I love to draw. It helps me to keep calm and motivated. I started hockey 5’s last year and really enjoyed it. I’m excited to do it again this year.