Secondary Community News

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)
The Lower Secondary students have returned to school with renewed energy and enthusiasm, eager to dive into the new term after a restful and enjoyable Easter holiday. The term promises to be packed with a range of thrilling events. From the exhilarating Fun Run to the Horse Riding Camp, Winter Fete, and Swimming Program, there is something for everyone to look forward to. The excitement is palpable, and everyone is eagerly anticipating the upcoming events and make the most of the opportunities presented.
Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)
Students in 9/10 have had a great start to Term 2 so far! Students have began learning about persuasive texts and will be working towards writing their own persuasive piece by the end of term. Our focus in Maths this term is on addition, subtraction and gathering data. Students have used their prior knowledge to work through various maths activities and will continue to learn different mental math strategies throughout the term.
The term our schools Café will officially by opening week 3 of this Term. Students have continued to work really hard to get everything prepared for the big day! Great start to Term 2 9/10s!
On Thursday, one of our year 10 students, Hayden, marched during the ANZAC march in the city. Hayden has been participating in Navy Cadets for years now, and it was great to see him marching for such a significant day. Well done Hayden.
Senior Secondary (VPC/ASDAN)
What a great start to term 2!
On Friday both ASDAN classes travelled to Highpoint, some via Footscray Market, as part of travel training and community access. Students have paid a visit to the school’s new PBIS shop. Students will soon be cashing in their well-earned ‘Jack Points’ awarded for following school expectations (respect, responsibility and safety). Well done ASDAN looks like we are going to have a fun term!
Subhaan and Jamie Le locating shops using the information board at Highpoint.
Jamie and Beckham having a look at prizes in the PBIS shop.
Living Skills ended last term with a bang! We had such a great term learning to budget, buy groceries, cooking, recycling, and we even had a Muay Thai class. Students in 11/12C had a great term of learning. They had a fantastic time with Cindy, a Muay Thai coach who specialises with working with students with Special needs. Students enjoyed an hour of fitness and fun. Great work 11/12C!
If you are interested in Muay Thai classes for your child contact Cindy. Her Instagram handle is
Secondary Students of the Week