Primary Community News

Foundation (Prep-Year 2)
What a great start to Term 2 we have had!
In Reading we are going to start a new book called ‘I Went Walking.’ First, we are building on our background knowledge about the animals we will see in the story. We went walking around our school and completed a scavenger hunt to find farm animals and now we are starting animal crafts. We look forward to building our vocabulary and bringing the story to life.
Lower Primary (Years 3-4)
On the first week of Term 2 the Lower Primary classes made damper. We looked at the damper recipe, created our very own damper recipe, watched a video on how to make it, and then made damper. Students followed the instructions and used visual guides to prepare and bake individual damper. Once we finished cooking, we cleaned up! We had a lot of fun cooking and are looking forward to cooking more!
Upper Primary (Years 5-6)
Welcome back to Term 2!
We would like to farewell Eva and welcome back to Gordon in 5/6D. We would also like to welcome two new ES staff to the Year 5/6 team, Mirjana in 5/6D and Michelle in 5/6E. Upper Primary students have settled in well and have had a busy start to the term. The students have been making ANZAC biscuits and writing a recount about their experience. We are off on our first excursion, a local community walk, exploring the different signs we see in our community. In maths, we will be learning about addition, subtraction and data. This term in reading we will be focusing on comprehension and have introduced phonics to support students reading. The JackStore has officially opened, and the students will be accessing the store to redeem their JackPoints for demonstrating expected school behaviour.
Primary Students of the Week