New Vaping Laws and a Vaping Prevention Webinar

Information regarding upcoming vaping prevention webinar for parents and teachers:

Register here:

Upcoming Webinar: A school-based approach to vaping prevention - T - Positive Choices


New Vaping Laws 2024

New laws have been introduced nationally regarding vaping from 1 January 2024 (adding to existing laws).  It is illegal to: 

  • import disposable/single use e-cigarettes into Australia, regardless of whether they contain nicotine
  • Buy or sell e-cigarettes that contain nicotine without a doctor’s prescription
  • Sell an e-cigarette or liquids to be used in an e-cigarette (regardless of whether it contains nicotine) to anyone under the age of 18 years

Further laws are expected to be introduced during 2024 to include it being unlawful to import all non-therapeutic vapes into Australia, or, to manufacture or supply non-therapeutic vapes, ceasing the legal sale of all vapes by retailers within Australia.  This will also mean that someone who has a valid prescription will not be able to order vapes from overseas either.  They will only be available from allowed outlets such as pharmacies.


Quitline is receiving an increase in funding to ensure Aussies have access to resources and support to quit vaping.  

Quitline: call 13 78 48 Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, or online: Build your quit plan | Quit Victoria or talk with you local General Practitioner/Doctor.

Royal Children’s HospitalKids Health Information : E-cigarettes and teens (, includes a short presentation on what vaping is and how to speak with young people on this topic.

If you know of someone selling these products illegally, you can anonymously: call Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000; make an online complaint to the Therapeutic Goods Administration: Report a perceived breach or questionable practices | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)


QUIT:      Homepage | Quit Vaping Facts

Laws in Australia | Quit Vaping Facts

Quit Victoria | Vaping and tobacco reforms 2024 FAQs


Pamela Johnson

Secondary School Nurse