Dean of Middle Years 

Simone Roche


I am thrilled to share with you the success of our recent Academic Improvement Awards Assembly, where we celebrated the remarkable achievements of our students who have shown exceptional dedication and effort in improving their academic performance in 2023.


During the assembly hosted last Thursday, we recognised students whose results improved by 1 GPA point or more between Semester 1 2023 and Semester 2 2023. These students have demonstrated a significant increase in their academic performance, and we are incredibly proud of their accomplishments. 



I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all 101 students who received awards at the assembly. Your dedication and perseverance have not gone unnoticed, and you should be proud of your achievements.


I would also like to thank our teachers and staff for their unwavering support and guidance. Your commitment to our students' success is truly commendable, and we are grateful for everything you do.


Finally, I want to thank our parents and the school community for your continued support. Your encouragement and involvement play a crucial role in our students' academic journey, and we are grateful for your partnership.


As we move forward, let us continue to support and encourage our students as they strive for excellence. Together, we can help them reach their full potential.


Congratulations to all our award recipients!