3/4 L

Term 1, Week 7

Family Picnic

On Friday the 1st of March we celebrated the SFX Family Picnic. It was really fantastic to see so many students and families enjoying themselves after hours. Highlights included the bouncy castles, the delicious lemon slices made by the Cooking Club, the tattoos and the mini-market. 

Camp Manyung

The dust has settled on our 2024 Grade 3/4 camp, and what an AMAZING time we all had! From the plentiful food, to the adventurous activities, camp really had it all this year! After the heat of the long weekend, the weather smiled on us and the cool and cloudy conditions allowed us to enjoy all of our activities. My personal favourite was the Giant Swing! A huge thank you to Mr Steve, Ms Erin, Ms Melissa, Ms Michelle and Ms Becc for coming along and supporting the students, Ms Lisa and Mr Brendan. We had a fantastic time!

Student Representative Council (SRC)

Last week we began the process of electing our 3/4L SRC members for 2024 and today we voted and congratulated our two student representatives. Congratulations first to Harry, who was the first elected to the Council. It was a CLOSE race for second place, with three students (Matilda, Micah and Ema) all receiving the same amount of votes! Following the procedure of going back to check who received the most nominations, it is my pleasure to congratulate Ema, who is our second 3/4L SRC rep! I know that Harry and Ema will be fantastic, hard working representatives for their 


Project Harmony

3/4L has done such an amazing job with our Project Compassion fundraising so far this Lent, and it is so heartwarming to see them excited about giving and generosity. We are very close to our next class goal of $150, which will help to support people such as Memory, who was one of the recipients of alms from the 2023 Project Compassion funds. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, and those who continue to bring a little bit of spare change in when they think of it... every little bits helps!