Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report
Term 1 - Week 7
Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,
As we approach the fifth week of Lent, let us pause to remember that Lent is a season of reflection upon our own human struggle.
Let us think of ways we can:
- Be of service/kindness to others
- Live more simply in our own lives
- Make prayer and a relationship with God a priority
It is my heartfelt wish that you take the time to stop, reflect and ask our gracious God to guide you towards the Easter miracle where we all experience rebirth and renewal through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Grade 3/4 Camp
This week, our Year 3/4 students were lucky enough to attend camp at Camp Manyung in Mount Eliza. They enjoyed a wonderful time with their friends and staff members who attended the camp. This was the first overnight camp for our Grade 3 students and for many of them, their first night ever away from home!
A special mention of thanks to the teaching team of Ms Lisa, Mr Brendan, Ms Erin, Ms Melissa, Ms Michelle and Ms Becc who attended the camp. They did a fantastic job in reassuring, encouraging, managing and supporting our Grade 3/4's throughout this wonderful experience.
Now we can look forward to early next term, when the Grade 5/6 students will set off for Camp Rumbug in Foster.
Facebook and Instagram
Both our Facebook and Instagram pages are up and running. Thank you to everybody who is following the pages. Feel free to comment on the posts.
Just a reminder that if you have not ticked the 'Social Media' box on the Student Photo Permission Forms, then we can not include photos or videos of your child on these platforms. That will mean that from time to time, we may need to ask them to jump out of photos or videos that we are taking for social media purposes.
Last Day of Term One/ First Day of Term Two/ School Closure Days in Term Two
The final day of Term One is Thursday 28th March (Holy Thursday). Students will be dismissed at 3:15pm
The first day of Term Two is Monday 15th April.
In Term Two, there will be two school closure days on both Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June. Please mark these dates in your calendars. The King's Birthday Public holiday is Monday June 10th, meaning there will be five consecutive days away from school.
VACPSP Principal's Conference
Next week I will be away from school from Tuesday - Friday as I will be attending the VACPSP Conference in Lorne. Thank you to Ms Marion who will lead the school in my absence.
Have a great weekend.
Steve Peart
School Principal