3/4 News…

It's been a great term so far in 3/4! We have had two incursions this term, the STOMP incursion, in which the whole school participated in, as well as an incursion related to our Integrated topic.
STOMP Incursion
The STOMP incursion occurred in week 3, where all grades participated in a 50 minute dance workshop throughout the day.
Students were then able to perform their dance later on in the evening at our Welcome Back BBQ; where parents, teachers and family members came along to watch and eventually join in.
The instructor was amazing, teaching all grade levels a different dance. The 3/4s loved learning the dance routines and showing off their moves!
Community, Democracy and Me Incursion
This Thursday, the 3/4 students participated in an incursion which related to our Integrated Studies unit all about government, rules and laws.
In this hands-on incursion, students delved into how our preferential voting system works, by having a mock election for the mayor. They also took part in a mock local council meeting.