Grade 5/6

Warrandyte High School Visit

On Wednesday 15th November, the Grade 5 students were given a taste of 'high school life', attending Warrandyte High School for the morning. First up was a Sciencelesson. Students started the lesson by having to guess what they thought a set of pictures were (these were zoomed in images) followed by looking at a set of objects under a microscope. Having recently visited GTAC, the students took to the lesson very quickly, already knowing how to operate the microscopes.

Next up was a cooking session, where the students were shown a demonstration by the teacher and then given the opportunity to make their own chocolate rum balls. The worst part? Having to hand-wash the dishes and wipe down the benches (the first time for some of our students!!!). The best part? Getting to keep and eat the rum balls that they made!

Following this, students were provided with some morning tea and were awarded a certificate. A special thank you to Mr Caruana (Assistant Principal), Miss Zammit (Science teacher) and Mrs Boycot (Home-Economics teacher) for their hospitality.


Important Dates

  • 12th Dec: Year 6 to 7 Transition Day
  • 13th Dec: Surf Day
  • 18th Dec: Grade 6 Graduation