Foundation (Prep)


During Writer's Workshop, students have continued to focus on their personal learning goals. There are a number of goals we focus on in Prep including, recording the sounds you can hear in words, using spaces between words and experimenting with the use of full stops and capital letters. A number of children have been introduced to an editing checklist. This is a simple list of prompts to encourage students to reread their writing and attempt to improve their work. 


We have been discussing how to sort objects. The students have identified different ways to group items, e.g. by shape, by colour or by size. We discussed items some people sort at home such as cutlery, Lego and clothes. We also talked about how much easier it was to find things when big collections were sorted into smaller groups.


The students were also introduced to a Venn diagram. This challenged our thinking and encouraged the children to think of items that would fit into more than one group.

At this point of the term, I am completing a number of assessments with the students. Together with my notes and observations, I use this information to complete your child's report which you will receive at the end of Term 4. Some of the assessment is paper-based, some use hands-on materials and some are completed online.


Over the past 2 weeks we have focused on fire safety. It was wonderful to learn so much from the CFA during our Emergency Services Day and then follow up with discussions in the classroom. We focused on what to do if our clothes caught fire. The students learnt and practised how to Stop, Drop and Roll. We also talked about the way smoke rises in a room, so the safest way to exit is to 'Get down low and go, go, go'. To demonstrate their understanding, the children made posters and wrote about something that they had learnt.


Ms Bohni has been working with the Prep students to create marble runs. The students had to design their run, thinking about the direction they wanted the marble to go and the features they wanted to include to make it fun and interesting. The Preps then had the opportunity to work with their buddies to help them apply the finishing touches to their projects and bring their ideas to life.

Developmental Play

It is becoming clear that the children are fatigued and some are finding the thought of a full school day overwhelming. At this stage of the year, it is important that we pace ourselves to allow the students to get the most out of their lessons. Therefore, you will notice over coming weeks that the students are given the opportunity to build and have imaginative play for short periods of time when needed.

Important Dates:


  • Friday 1 - 2024 Prep Orientation (for children starting school next year)
  • Monday 4 - Friday 15 - Prep - Grade 2 swimming (Eltham Leisure Centre)
  • Thursday 7 - School Christmas carols on the oval
  • Saturday 16 - Warrandyte Carols. Choir and Grade 2 to perform.
  • Monday 18 - Grade 5/6 Graduation
  • Tuesday 19 - Class parties
  • Wednesday 20 - Final Day of 2023 - 1.30pm finish

Have a great weekend!


Mrs Callaway