World Kindness D

#kindnessresponse #kindnessfactory #kindnesscurriculum

World Kindness Day is an internationally-observed day of kindness that was started in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement. It celebrates kindness, acceptance, diversity and love. This is done by taking opportunities to perform small acts of kindness towards others.

On this special day your kind acts can inspire others to follow your example! People from around the globe come together on World Kindness Day to create a domino effect of kindness, compassion and gratitude by performing random acts of kindness for family, friends, community members and total strangers!

At the Kindness Factory it is our mission to make the world a kinder place. We promote and advocate for kindness through our range of programs including; our Education Offerings, Kindness Community Awareness Campaign, and motivational speaking.

Kindness makes a difference everyday but let’s join together on World Kindness Day and wrap the world with kindness.

Log your act of Kindness at the Kindness Factory!

Spreading kindness at home is a beautiful way to strengthen family bonds and create a positive environment. Many of our free activities at can be completed at home. Here are some other fun activities for families to try;

  • Kindness Calendar:  Make a monthly calendar with a daily kindness challenge for the whole family
  • Random Acts of Kindness Day: Dedicate a day each month performing random acts of kindness as a family. It could be as simple as leaving a kind note for a neighbour, baking cookies for a friend or cleaning up a communal space.
  • Family Volunteer Day: Choose a local charity or community group and spend a day volunteering as a family. Whether it’s a foodbank, animal shelter or community garden. Working together for a cause fosters a shared sense of purpose.
  • Story’s of Kindness:  Have a weekly “Story of Kindness” session where each family member shares a story they have come across or experience that highlights acts of kindness. It could be from the news, a book, or a personal experience.