Deputy Principals

Mr Peter Hawke , Mr Rod Dowling and Miss Carrol Abel

2024 Years 11 and 12 Subjects

In the coming week, the families of our Years 11 and 12 students for next year will receive an email from the College confirming their child’s subjects for 2024. These allocations are based on the student subject selections during Term 3 and the structure of the 2024 timetable. Some students will be allocated ‘reserve’ selections as their preferred selections are unable to be facilitated in the 2024 timetable.


For those students wishing to alter their selections for next year, there will be time allocated after the publication of the End of Year Reports for students to book an appointment time to discuss their subjects. These times will be confirmed in the near future by their Deputy Principal. Please remember that students need to achieve the Minimum Entry Requirement (MER) in order to select or continue with a preferred course for next year.

2024 Booklists

Once again, the College will partner with Campion Education for the servicing of the Booklist/Resource list for students. The 2024 Booklists are in the final stages of the development and will be made available to parents in the coming weeks through SEQTA and the College website once completed.

Year 9 Examinations

Year 9 students will undertake their first College exams to prepare them for the academic rigours of a senior school pathway. All Year 9 students should be preparing for these exams which commence on Thursday, 23 November. During the exam week, Year 9 students are required to attend school each day and attend their exams as scheduled. I encourage all students to incorporate the use of a Study Planner into their study routine. Good luck!


Mr P Hawke 

(Deputy Principal Years 9 & 12)

Year 8 Retreat

On Wednesday, 15 November, students participated in the Year 8 Retreat run by Youth Mission Team (YMT). A series of talks, drama presentations and small group activities centred around the theme, 'Who is God for me?'. Many students responded in a positive manner and contributed throughout the day. Thank you to Mrs Lindsay Kippen for organising the day and also to Mrs Sylvia Matchado, Mrs Jessica Bone, Ms Anita Amaloo, Mr Jacob Aquino, and Mr Roger D’Almeida for their attendance and support.


Mr R Dowling

(Deputy Principal Years 8 & 11)

Year 10 Retreat

On Tuesday, 14 November, students participated in the Year 10 Retreat run by Youth Mission Team (YMT). It was a valuable and interactive day focusing on the theme of social justice, reinforcing students’ learning in Religious Education. Well done to students for their positive participation and contribution throughout the day. Thank you to Mrs Lindsay Kippen for organising the day and also to Mrs Anna Garton, Mrs Donna Bunyan, Miss Shirley Leddy, Mr Eugene Kealy and Ms Monica Fitzgerald for helping to lead activities.

Year 10 Examinations

This week, our Year 10 students started their exams which continue until Wednesday, 22 November. Students are reminded to:

  • Wear their College summer uniform to exams.
  • Prepare everything you need for the exam the night before including pens, pencils, calculators and alike. Bring it to school in a clear plastic sleeve and remember that only clear plastic water bottles (no labels) are allowed into the exam room. 
  • Only attend school for scheduled exams. It is an expectation that students remain at home or in a public library to study and not working. Use of the Prémontré Library during the exam period is not permitted. 

Wishing you all the best of luck for your exams.

Year 10 Important Dates

Please see below upcoming events for Year 10 students.

  • All Year 10 students return to school on Thursday, 23 November for exam revision.
  • Last Day (Year 10) – Tuesday, 28 November.
  • Year 10 River Cruise – Tuesday, 28 November.
  • Arrangements for Year 10 Christian Service – Wednesday, 29 November to Friday, 8 December.
  • Arrangements for Year 10 Work Placement – Monday, 4 December to Friday, 8 December.

Students Not Returning in 2024

For any student not returning to St Norbert College in 2024, parents must provide written notification addressed to the College Principal, Ms Sharon Rainford, as soon as possible, and should indicate their destination for 2024.

2023 Last Days

Please see below departure dates for remaining year groups:

  • Last Day (Year 10) - Tuesday, 28 November from 8.50am to 3.20pm. Students then commence Christian Service/Work Experience.
  • Last Day (Years 7 - 9) - Thursday, 7 December from 8.50am to 12.15pm. Students are required to attend school in their College summer uniform. Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated at 9am at St Joseph's Church (all are welcome to join us).

The College will be closed from Tuesday, 12 December.

2024 First Days

Please see below commencement dates for all year groups:

  • First Day (Year 7, new Years 8-10 and all Years 11-12) - Wednesday, 31 January.
  • First Day (Years 8-10) - Thursday, 1 February.

The College will re-open on Tuesday, 9 January.

Miss C Abel

(Deputy Principal Years 7 & 10)