Secondary School Information

Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College Altona invites you to explore our faith and learning community at one of our Open Events in 2023
Apply online HERE or contact the College Registrar, Mrs Sherri Collins for further information.
Contact details: or phone 8398 2007.
The exciting times continue here at Emmanuel. Last week we had the official opening of the new arts building at the Notre Dame Campus, named in honour of Brother Bob Resing. Br Bob remains a popular and respected figure in our College community, and we were so pleased that he was able to travel from the US to join us. The state-of-the-art facilities are another great space for our students to learn and collaborate in.
Our Year 12s celebrated their final year at Emmanuel with mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral last Friday evening followed by a fantastic dinner at the Sofitel and on Tuesday this week we shared their last official school day with them at Werribee Mansion. We wish all of our students well with their revision and studying for upcoming exams.
Students and staff have returned from their trip to NASA where they attended Space Camp, along with visiting Washington and Orlando. It has been wonderful to hear about the amazing experiences that they shared and new friendships formed from their time together.
We warmly welcome you to join us at our final experience event for the year, the Twilight Talk and Tours at each campus. Please note that bookings are essential for these events and can be made by clicking on the Tours and Events tab on the right-hand side of the homepage of the College website
Details for each campus are below:
Notre Dame Campus Wednesday 8 November 2023 - 6.00 pm start
St Paul’s Campus Tuesday 14 November 2023 - 6.00 pm start
It was wonderful to welcome our Year 7 2024 families at the Parent Information Night last Wednesday where we outlined what to expect with starting secondary school as well as important information such as booklist, uniform and transport details. Orientation Morning on Tuesday 28 November is another opportunity for new students to get to know each other, meet staff and find out which house they will be in next year.
Year 7 2025 Letters of Offer and waitlist notifications were emailed to families last Friday and Confirmation of Acceptance documentation is due back by Friday 10 November. For those families that received a waiting list letter, please know that if a place does arise during the remainder of this year and into next year, our Registrar will be in contact with you.
Registration is available via the Tours and Events tab on the right-hand side of the homepage of the College website,
Year 7 2025 Applications
Applications for Year 7 2025 officially closed on Friday 18 August 2023. If you would like your child to be considered for a place in Year 7 2025, please contact the College Registrar as a matter of urgency.
If you have an older child that already attends Emmanuel or a child commencing Year 7 in 2024, it is a requirement for an application to be submitted for your child in Grade 5. If you have missed this closure date, it is essential that you are in contact with the College Registrar as a matter of urgency. To obtain a Prospectus Pack including an application form, please select one of the following:
- Call our College Registrar, Ms Donna Grech on 8325 5119
- Visit the College website or use this link: Request a Prospectus here
- Collect one from either campus office between 8:00am and 4:15pm weekdays
- Send an email request to
The following link will take you to our most recent edition of Liberations Magazine.
Please feel free to pass this on to your families.