This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
We congratulate Victoire Gibson, our wonderful Learning Support Officer who has been studying a teaching degree at University part time, on achieving her goal to become a teacher. Vic will join the staff of Our Lady's Ringwood next year as a classroom teacher.
As well as assisting students with their learning, Vic has been looking after our animals in the farmyard. Thank you Vic for all you have contributed to our St James community over the past five years.
In relation to staffing for 2024, I am pleased to announce that Veronica Brightwell will be replacing Jess Moffatt in the role of Learning Diversity Leader. Veronica and Jess have commenced their handover time so that Veronica's transition into the new role will be smooth.
Celebrating our Maternity Leavers Friday 10 November
We have planned a special celebration for our four staff, Tess Odgers, Jess Moffatt, Siumi Kirby and Molly Masters, who all commence maternity leave in the final few weeks of the year. This will take place on Friday 10 November following our Remembrance Day Prayer Service, which students are invited to bring along a flower from their garden to help form our wreath.
Parents are invited to attend both of these celebrations.
Approximate times are as follows:
Remembrance Day Prayer Service 2.15 - 2.30pm
Maternity Leave Celebration 2.30 - 3.00pm
Twilight Sports
We are all looking forward to our Twilight Sports on this Wednesday 1st November, 4.00pm - 7.00pm at the Bill Sewart Athletics Track. Please note that we have been instructed by the management that we MUST vacate the track by 7.00pm for other training. Consequently, it is essential that we start on time. We are asking all student to arrive at the track by 3:45pm.
We will have an optional dismissal for our students at 2pm on the day so that students may go home, rest, eat, get changed and then return to the track on time for the sports.
We will not be having a break in the middle of the sports this year, due to time restrictions, so parents please make sure you feed your children before they arrive and feel free to purchase sausages from 6.30pm onwards for them to eat when the event finishes.
Please complete the optional early dismissal operoo form by tomorrow 4pm if you have not done so already. We are still waiting for about 60 families to do this.
Mrs Catherine Wall has been busy preparing the students for their events and preparing our Year Six students to lead many of the events. The Year Sixes will complete many of their events at school so that they are able to lead our Twilight Sports with Mrs Wall on the night.
Please see the attached sign up sheet with possibilities for you to support our P & F on the night. More volunteers are required between 6:30-7pm.
Parent Education Evening with Maria Roberto
Maria Ruberto is a clinical psychologist with over 23 years experience. Her application of psychology is anchored by research in neuroscience and brain function – and framed by the science of optimism. Maria is delivering an educational session for all our St James parents on the evening of Thursday 16th November here in the Community Centre.
Celebration of Visual Arts
The Years Prep to Two students have been working very hard over the last semester on their art skills. On Friday 10th of November parents are invited to come and see their children’s artwork displayed in their classrooms from the Visual Art lessons this semester. The viewing times are as follows 1:00-2:00pm or 3:20pm-3:30pm.
We hope to see you there!
School Advisory Council
Last week's meeting had a variety of agenda items we discussed including: the new Administration Building, MACS future focus for curriculum development, school fees and charges, NAPLAN whole school positive results, First reconciliation, The Parish Fete, possible further implications as a result of the union's new agreement of providing Time in Lieu to teachers and some staffing changes for 2024.
Parish Fete News
Please see the Fete News page and volunteer some of your time. As you will remember when you signed your children up to join St James, you committed to being part of our parish community which is a very rewarding experience. It is an expectation that all families give up some time to commit to helping at the fete. I know some workplaces provide a day of leave for volunteer work. Some parents may wish to consider taking this day on Friday 17th November to help with the Bump In, or Sat 18th Bump Out or even Sunday 19th at the Clean up Working Bee. The Fete Committee are able to provide a volunteer certificate if required.
Farm Help Urgently Needed for Long Weekend
We are looking for long weekend chicken helpers - 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th Nov. If you are able to assist please contact Vic directly via email -
Sports Tops
The transition to Sports tops sales via CDF pay is working well. Sports tops are $40 each payable via CDF pay only. We endeavour to send home sports tops to each student via their class tub by the end of each week. To purchase go to;
Current 2023 Prep parents your children will need a sports top for year one next year to wear on Phys Ed days. Please note that our secondhand uniform store will sell these sports tops from the Community Centre on Wednesday 1st November from 8:45 - 9:15am, or you may wish to order online via CDF Pay link above. Any queries, please contact Michelle in the office.
Have a great week.