Level 3
Level 3
The students in 3GE have hit the ground running with a busy Term 4.
We have had a great time attending our swimming lessons and learning about water safety but we were pretty exhausted by the end of the week!
Reading & Writing
In our Reading lessons we have been learning about figurative language devices such as onomatopoeia, metaphors, and similes. We have then been using this information during our Writing lessons to make our Fantasy narratives more interesting.
In Maths, we have been learning about time. We revised reading ‘half past’, ‘quarter past’ and ‘quarter to’ times. We also had a go at reading time in 5-minute and minute intervals with the help of some Tic Toc biscuits. Finally, we practised calculating elapsed time.
This term in Inquiry, Grade 3GE has been learning about ‘Our Island Home.’ We are learning about where Australia is in the world and about our neighbouring countries. We loved zooming in on Google Maps to learn more about Australia’s geographical location. We are looking at our native flora and fauna and about Australia’s natural and man-made landmarks.