Our Catholic Identity

All Saints Day and All Souls Day 

This week is a significant week in the church’s calendar as we remember all those who have gone before us. Most Rev Peter W Ingham wrote a beautiful reflection on the connection between and Christian significance of these days. 


He states the following: 

“Halloween is growing in popularity but its roots are lost on most people. It is observed on 31 October, the "een" or "eve" of All Hallows Day (All Saints Day) on 1 November. "Hallow” occurs in the Lord's Prayer – "hallowed be thy name" (may God's name be held holy) – so to celebrate Halloween without connecting it to All Saints Day would be like celebrating Christmas Eve without a Christmas Day. 

All this reminds us, despite our modern day individualism, of the unbelievable connections we have in the family of God – on earth, in purgatory and in heaven. So these days of Halloween, All Hallows (All Saints), All Souls celebrate what we believe and name the “Communion of Saints.”


We are reminded this week to:

  • Pray for deceased members and friends, people of our past who meant something to us and whose influence is still with us.
  • Bring out the family album with a lit candle to initiate conversations around the long line of people who loved us and the influence they have had on our lives. 
  • As a family, research the saint after whom they are named and tell everyone something about him or her.

As a Catholic school community, students learned about All Saints day in their classrooms with a Liturgy led by their teachers. Today, students in Years 3-6 attended Mass with Fr Patrick and the Parishioners of St Joseph’s Bulli. As always, students participated reverently and respectfully. 


Friday- Soctober- Sockit to Poverty: Supporting Catholic Mission

To support the ongoing work of Catholic Mission, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School will be hosting a “Crazy Sock and Soccer Day” Students are invited on Friday November 3 (Tomorrow) , to bring in a gold coin donation and wear crazy, patterned or colourful socks with their full school uniform. 


All Souls Day

All Souls' Day, in Roman Catholicism, is a day for commemoration of all the faithful departed. On November 2, we will gather as a catholic school community to remember all those who have gone before us. Families and Parishioners are invited to two Masses and we are looking forward to seeing you there. 

  • 9:30- Years 5 and 6
  • 11:50- Years 3 and 4. 

Infant classes will recognise this day in their classrooms.  

Sacramental Parent Prayer Evening - Year 2

Yesterday, parents whose child/ren are making the Sacrament of First Reconciliation 2023/First Holy Communion 2024 in the Bulli Parish attended a Parent Prayer Evening in the Church. Thank you to Fr Patrick, Mrs Clarkson, Miss Negus and Mrs Grose for attend ending this evening and supporting the Year 2 students. 


The St Joseph’s Parish provides programs of preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Penance), Eucharist (First Communion) and Confirmation each year. Enrolment for the sacraments occurs through the Parish. The school-based Religious Education curriculum supports and enriches this program of preparation. If you were unable to collect an enrolment form, they can be collected from the Parish office or after Sunday Mass. Enrolment forms are due back to Fr Patrick within the next 2 weeks. 


We thank parents and carers for being the first educators of their children in the faith who have chosen for their children to complete these special Sacraments. Parents have a hugely important role in working with teachers to model the values based on the Gospel teachings of Jesus Christ. Parents can support their children by discussing the learning that is happening at school as well as attending weekly Masses at St Joseph’s. These occur every Sunday at 8:30am and 5:30pm. 


Parents are most welcome to attend the Sacrament of First Reconciliation. This will be held in the church on 16 November at 9:30am.  

Kindergarten and Year 5 Buddy Parish Mass

On Thursday 9 November at 11:50am, Kindergarten students will be attending Parish Mass with their Year 5 buddies. This will be a fantastic opportunity for Year 5 students to model to our Kindergarten students the importance of Mass and our Catholic faith. Parents and family members of Year 5 and Kindergarten students are warmly invited to attend. 

St Joseph’s Bulli Mass times

We at St Joseph’s would like to extend a warm invitation to all our school families to join us for Mass on Sunday. Regularly attending Mass is a wonderful opportunity to nourish our faith and keep the flame of faith alive. It is also a great opportunity to build on the very strong family, school and Parish partnerships that we have at St Joseph’s. We look forward to seeing you at one of our Masses this weekend. 

  • Sunday: 8:30 am &  Sunday: 5:30 pm

Family Mass is held on the last Sunday of every month. The next family Mass will be on 26 November at 8:30am and 5:30pm. All Year 3 and Year 4 students and families are welcome to attend. If you wish to participate in this Mass by reading or offertory, please contact the office.

Quick Quiz! 

We are now in the Liturgical Season of Ordinary Time, what Liturgical Season comes next?  ADVENT! 


What is the name of the following hymn? The Gloria 



Mr Alexander Walker 

Acting Religious Education Coordinator