From the Deputy Principal

Caroline Wilson-Haffenden

At the halfway mark of the term, it certainly feels that we are racing to the finish line with many events and activities scheduled for the coming month.


During the next two weeks, the Year 11 and 12 students will complete their external exams, followed by the Year 10 students.  We wish students all the best, confident that they are well-prepared for their final exams.


For the remaining year groups, students are encouraged to maximise all learning opportunities provided to them.  As a College, we continue to have high expectations of all students until the completion of class on Monday 11 December 2023.  This includes expectations around wearing the correct College Uniform, mobile phones, attendance, punctuality and all other standard expectations at St Mary’s College.


We thank you all for collaborating with us to support your students as we continue to focus on teaching and learning and all other activities that make St Mary’s College the vibrant community that it is. 


Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the Class of 2023. Last Wednesday it was wonderful to come together as a College community to celebrate the contributions of our Year 12s. There were many highlights, including the Kinder montage and the Belling Out with staff and students forming a guard of honour for the departing 12s.  We thank our graduates for all that they have given and shared with us and look forward to celebrating at the Leavers’ Dinner and Prize Giving in the coming weeks.