From the Principal

Damian Messer

Senior students

Last week we began the process of farewelling our Year 12 class of 2023. The students were outstanding ambassadors for the College and did themselves and their families proud. This was particularly evident at our Graduation Mass on Tuesday 31 October - and as you can see from the photos below, it was an extremely emotional evening, and we were able to farewell our graduates in style.



The following day the Year 12 students finished with a series of assemblies, culminating in the traditional Belling Out, where the College community forms a guard of honour to farewell the cohort. We wish them well for the future.


Year 11 and 12 Exams

On Tuesday this week, our senior students began their final assessments. Their TASC exams will continue for the next few weeks, and I am sure you will join me in wishing them every success for this period. 

SMC Alumni Mass and AGM

Last Saturday, the SMC Alumni group held their annual mass and luncheon. Around 40 people attended, and the afternoon concluded with the AGM. The connection between the College and the Alumni remains strong, and we will look forward to more events in the future.


Upcoming events | Art and Design Exhibition

On Friday night the College will hold its annual Art and Design Exhibition where student work is displayed, and the annual art prizes are awarded. The evening begins at 6.00pm, and all families and friends are encouraged to come along and view the amazing work that our students have produced during the year. The evening will conclude at around 7.30pm.