Principal's Report

Daniel Webber

PosiSocks Update 

As we hit the halfway marker of Term 4 and also our PosiSocks initiative I wanted to give an update on our PosiSocks program! PosiSocks, an initiative aimed at promoting mental wellness and positive thinking among our students. We all wear our rainbow PosiSocks each Friday not only to keep our feet cozy but also to remind us of the importance of mental wellbeing. Through this program, our students have been learning valuable strategies to nurture their mental health and foster positivity in their daily lives. From mindfulness exercises to gratitude journaling, the classroom sessions have been brimming with practical wellbeing strategies that empower our students to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and optimism.


It has been great to witness the enthusiasm with which our students are embracing these practices. They’re implementing what they’ve learned, using these strategies to build mental strength and emotional resilience. I love seeing everyone proudly sporting their PosiSocks every Friday and also questioning the students in assembly on what they have learnt in PosiSocks that week.  The sea of colourful, positive-themed socks serves as a visual representation of our collective commitment to mental wellness and unity within our school community.


Let’s continue to encourage each other to practise these strategies daily, not just on Fridays. Together, we can ensure our students are supported with an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to take charge of their mental wellbeing.

Crazy Hair Day

I would like to acknowledge and thank our Jusion School Council for the work they put into Crazy Hair day last Friday. The day was incredibly successful and again ACPS had a resounding commitment to a cause and a theme. The creativity and enthusiasm displayed by our students and staff with their hair styles was impressive. I am thrilled to share that all the funds raised during Crazy Hair Day are being channelled towards supporting the Young Carers Network. The Young Carers Network is an organisation dedicated to providing assistance and resources to young individuals who take on significant caring responsibilities at home. These responsibilities might involve looking after a sick or disabled family member, managing household tasks, or providing emotional support.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Phoenix Soar

Thank you to the South East Melbourne Phoenix Basketball Club for their support and opportunities for our students through their Phoenix Soar program.  Phoenix Soar is a program we participated in during Term One, aimed at fostering resilience, leadership, and teamwork among our students. The program equips them with essential life skills through various workshops, mentorship sessions, and motivational talks, inspiring them to soar high and reach their full potential. Yesterday’s visit was an addition to the program with the club running basketball workshops for Grade 3 - 6 students and South East Melbourne Phoenix starting players attending for a Q&A, mini games and autograph signing. 

Curriculum Day - Friday 17th November

A reminder that we will have a Curriculum Day next Friday 17 November. This is a student free day. TheirCare will be providing a program for any students needing to use their service for the day. Please book in directly with TheirCare. 



ACPS Christmas Carols

Joining in on the festive spirit, we will be holding our ACPS Christmas Carols on 7 December at 6pm. The Carols will be run as a picnic event on the school oval with each class performing on the evening. Please save the date and get the picnic blanket ready to come along and join us for a lovely evening. 

Remembrance Day 

Remembrance Day stands as a symbol of gratitude for the sacrifices made during times of conflict and war. It's a day to honour the resilience and strength of those who have served and continue to serve our nation. As we wear our poppies and observe a moment of silence, let us pay our respects and acknowledge the immeasurable contributions made by our servicemen and women.


Andersons Creek Primary School took a moment today with a Remembrance Day Assembly run by our Junior Schools Council to honour and pay tribute to the brave men and women who made sacrifices for our freedom and peace.


On November 11th, the nation observes this solemn day, pausing to reflect on the courage, dedication, and selflessness of our veterans.


Lest we forget.










Daniel Webber
