What's Been Happening?

Year 2 and Foundation Paper Planes
Yr 2’s and FG made paper planes to demonstrate the energy and force needed to fly them.We went into the hall and had a competition to see whose plane flew the furtherest.We had sooooo much fun!!!
An Engineer in the Making - Will's Titanic Model
Will in Year 1 had a big surprise for his classmates he he brought in a special project he had been working on at home. His magnificane model of the Titanic a was great talking point for the class who couldn't help but be impressed with Will's engineering skills.
AFLW Stars Come to St Cecilia's
Yesterday Megan and Maive form the Melbourne Demons AFLW team and the AFL Vic staff paid a visit to St Cecilia's. The staff and players were really great with the kids and the students had some great questions for the girls about their careers and what it is like playing aussie rules at the highest level. It hailed just as they started the clinic, sun came out just as we were thanking them and saying goodbye!! Regardless the Year 1 kids had a great time being put through their paces.
Jack and Sarah in who are Dees supporters were especially excited. A special surprise for Jack who was also celebrating his birthday. Thank you to Mrs Aldcroft for organising this special activitiy.