Cranbourne Campus News

School Based Apprenticeship Graduation
Since our last newsletter, I had the privilege of attending the graduation of the 2023 Parks and Gardens - School Based Apprenticeship & Training (SBAT) class at the Cranbourne Campus. Part one the VCE Vocational Major course, the Parks and Gardens SBAT gives students who thrive in a workplace and practical pathway, the opportunity to trial the workplace and TAFE while still maintaining the routine of coming to the campus. Run by a Registered Training Organisation, the Parks and Gardens 'crew' work as a team to develop valuable skills and education under the guidance of external trainer Peter Mantell and with the support of our very own Jeanette Di Giulio. As an educator, one of the most rewarding aspects of this program for me is seeing these students prepare and present proposals like they are tendering for a contract, then watch them complete the project, and then seeing the pride in the tangible and practical results of their work, whether it be the project to redevelop the gardens around our chapel or the projects completed within the community, off site. Congratulations to Diesel Lyddy of Year 10 Romero House who was awarded Parks and Gardens Student of the year.
Being able to offer this alternative learning pathway at the College is a fantastic opportunity for our students and I am pleased to report that all participants in the course graduated their Cert II with flying colors.
Elevate Education
On the cusp of their exams and subsequent entry into their final year of secondary school, the Year 11 students attended a professional learning session from the staff at Elevate Education. You might recall that Elevate Education was also used earlier in the year for our Year 12 students and then again to provide advice to parents at our Year 12 Parents Tips and Tricks night in May.
The Elevate Education message is quite simple ~ start early, be prepared, be disciplined, use time wisely and be balanced ~ all life and study lessons that are delivered by our expert senior teachers at St Peter's, daily. However, I think that there is something to be said by having the message delivered by fresh faced university students which seems to elicit some "Ahha' moments from many of our senior students.
I don't think I am alone in believing that education is less about what is said and more about the impact of what is heard , and so I hope our Year 11 students can unlock the keys to their success in VCE emanating from what they heard from the Elevate Education presenters and also from our wonderful teachers.
Hall Road Works Public advice & Bus Service Impacts
From the last service on Tuesday 7 November to the first service on Wednesday 20 December, there will be some changes to the way the 760 PTV bus service will operate, due to the Hall Road and Western Port Highway intersection closure.
During our works, the 760 bus service will detour via Atlas Drive, Everlasting Boulevard, Cranbourne-Frankston Road and Western Port Highway.
There’ll also be bus stop closures, temporary relocations and changes to the way you access the 760 bus service in both directions between Cranbourne and Seaford:
760 bus service from Seaford to Carrum Downs
• Transfer onto the 832 bus service at the Lyrebird Drive/Ballarto Road bus stop.
760 bus service from Cranbourne to Carrum Downs
• Take the 760 service to the Lyrebird Drive/Ballarto Road bus stop, cross the road and transfer to the 832 bus service.
760 bus service passengers along Hall Road, Lyrebird Drive, Tattler Street, Rowellyn Avenue, Herrington Avenue and McCormicks Road:
• Take the 832 bus service north to get to Carrum Downs Shopping Centre
• Take the 832 bus service south and transfer to the 760 bus service at the Lyrebird Drive/Ballarto Road bus stop to
get to Seaford
• Take the 832 bus service south to the Lyrebird Drive/Ballarto Road bus stop, cross the road and take the 760 bus
service to get to Cranbourne.
Commuters traveling to Carrum Downs from Cranbourne or Seaford should allow an additional 30 minutes of travel time.
Mr Jeremy Wright
Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus