Learning & Teaching News

As the Exam season starts for most of our Year 10 and Year 11 students, it is imperative that students focus as much as possible on the process of revision as much as the result. The opportunity to try out new methods of revision, how to balance non-school related activities with revision and ideally study schedules. The other main benefit for students is the opportunity to gain feedback from their teacher in regard to gaps in their learning as well as how well they apply their learning across an entire year with the end outcome and focus always being the Year 12 VCE Examinations. Below are three suggestions to help parents and students with exams and the exam season:
1. Create a Study Schedule:- Make a study timetable that includes dedicated time for each subject or topic you need to revise.- Stick to your schedule to ensure you cover all the necessary material.
2. Use Active Learning Techniques:- Avoid passive reading and engage with the material actively.- Summarise, ask questions, and discuss the topic with others to reinforce your understanding.
3. Practice with Past Papers:- If you are preparing for exams, practising with past papers or sample questions can be incredibly helpful. It helps you get familiar with the format and types of questions you might encounter.
Many of these suggestions were supplemented by external experts (Elevate Education) to work withour Year 11 students on a number of these areas. This was timed purposefully to align with exam revision and after feedback from students about what they felt they required to be better prepared after their mid-year exams.
It has also come to the time of year when our students who complete VCE and VET related musical subjects have an opportunity to showcase their talents. The students were able to showcase a variety of performance skills (instrument and vocal). As well as those who complete VET Music - Sound Production could also show their amazing sound production techniques. It is also a great chance for the students who are in Year 1 or completing Year 11 courses to practice performing to a deadline in the same way as they are required to at the end of their course.
Year 10 Applied Learning Excursion
Mr Paul Woodbridge, the Clyde North Applied Learning & Vocational Major Coach reported on the following excursion, run on Thursday, 2 November. As part of the Work Related Skills course, the Year 10 Applied Learning students are studying a unit on disabilities in sport. The course included a visit to the MCG where students spent the day in the Melbourne Cricket Club Museum, and 'GameOn’ exhibit. Students took a tour of the "G" seeing many of the facilities behind the scenes as well as spending some time with an Olympic athlete, speed skater Richard Goerlitz who shared his experiences of training and competing on the international stage. Students took away some valuable messages about following a passion and persevering with something in order to be successful.
Mr Andrew McMellon Mr David Hansen
Learning Systmes & Data Coach Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching