From our Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,
This is the third last edition of the newsletter for 2023 and is therefore suggestive that the year’s end is almost upon us. You only have to look in the shops to know that Christmas is just around the corner. I have to say I cringed when I heard the first Christmas Carol of the season when entering one of the large shopping complexes the other day. It also means, from an education perspective that we are at the pointy end of the academic year with final assessments and examination periods having commenced or about to. It is a time for students to be disciplined in their study, examinations and final assessments. Good luck students and do yourself proud.
Building Report
We are blessed at St Peter’s College with a growing community. With growth comes expansion of buildings and resources and whilst there are no current building projects taking place, much planning is occurring behind the scenes with a number of projects on the drawing board. Below is a list of some of these projects with associated and approximate commencement and completion dates:
It is an exciting time, one where we will continue to strive to provide the resources and facilities to students to engage them in the whole of schooling experiences on offer at St Peter’s College.
Annual Implementation Plan 2023
Each year as part of our Strategic Improvement plan, we identify key priority areas to focus on. Often these are referred to as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These focal points are informed by key data sets which indicate areas requiring further growth. The strategies developed are always considered from researched and evidence-based practice. The leadership team are currently undertaking a self-assessment of progress in 2023 towards these KPIs as we set about establishing the priority areas for 2024. The reflections to date have indicated growth or improvement in some of the following areas:
Catholic Identity and Religious Education
Enhancing parish, community and school partnerships.
Learning and Teaching
Developing expert leader and teacher capacity.
School leaders creating the conditions in which expert teacher practice is developed.
Leadership capacity is developed across all levels of leadership in the College.
A formal plan for school promotion in the community is developed. Student outcomes continue to drive the allocation of school resources.
Whilst success in these areas and others have been identified, our work continues as we strive towards continued and sustained success and excellence.
High Achieving Students
We have much to celebrate of recent times as we acknowledge the exceptional feats and talents of some of our students. Congratulations is extended to the following:
Kevin De Silva
Kevin has competed in the Victorian All Schools Athletic Championships over the past fortnight with outstanding results finishing with Gold Medals in both the 100M and 200m, 14 and under finals and achieving personal best (PB) times in both events. Kevin has now booked a place in the Australian Championships in December. Congratulations Kevin
Kaylah Barrett
In the same championships, Kayla competed in the U18 400M collecting a Bronze medal. Kayla also competed in the 200M final achieving a 4th placing. Well done Kaylah.
Luna Akbari
Congratulations is extended to Luna who has been chosen as a prize winner in the Southern Independent Schools Art and Technology exhibition currently being held at the Frankston Arts Centre. Well done Luna.
Save the Date – Presentation Ceremony
This event will be held at the Geode Performing Arts Centre on December 4th . It is an event held during the day. Parents of students receiving awards will be invited to attend. Those unable to attend on the day will be able to celebrate the achievements of their young person via a video-recording sent out after the event. Further information to follow.
Enjoy the week ahead
Mr Chris Black