Music & Performing Arts News

Graeme Stewart

It’s already Week 6 of Term 4 and our Christmas Carols Concert is only four weeks away. Our students have started rehearsing their carols this week and will be ready to entertain us all on Wednesday, 6 December. Like last year, we’ll be running a sausage sizzle from approximately 4:30pm to 5:30pm and kicking off with our first carols around 5:45pm. Families are welcome to bring along their own picnic rugs, chairs, food, and snacks etc, and hopefully we’ll get some nice weather for the whole school community to enjoy celebrating the festive season together. 


Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students have been revising the use of tuned percussion instruments and reinforcing their knowledge of rhythmic note values. They spent some time on the piano keyboards, using GarageBand, and are now preparing for their Christmas Carols performances. The Year 3 and 4 students have collaborated on the creation of Gamelan Orchestral performances, completed some GarageBand projects and are now also moving into Christmas Carols mode. The Year 5 and 6 students have had lots of fun working on iMovie projects and will be wrapping up the year with a combination of GarageBand creations and Christmas Carols performance preparation. 


The junior and senior choirs have continued rehearsing during lunchtimes and performing at assemblies. They’re looking forward to some more outdoor assembly performances as the weather improves and to singing at the Christmas Carols Concert later this term.




Graeme Stewart