Art News

Kelly Oakham

Students from Year 3 to 6 took part in a community art event where each local primary school were asked, like last year, to design and create some Christmas baubles for the upcoming Christmas display at Wellington Village shopping centre. The students were given the theme this year of the Victorian High Country. So, we did some research into what the scenery looked like there as many students, including myself, had not yet been. It’s on my list of places to visit now. Those that had been there shared their adventures and experiences. The students got busy carefully drawing their designs of Craig’s hut, mountainous scenes, rivers and Australian wildlife that can be found there. They also had to include a Christmas message. All designs had to be completed by Friday, 3 November and the students themselves decided whether they wanted to submit their entry. It was difficult to make a selection, as the quality was high, but with the help of Mrs Chalmers and other staff, 6 students from each year level were chosen. The others will be displayed at school once December arrives as I hold off doing Christmas displays until then! The Wellington Village display will be available for viewing after the 15th November! So please pop over there and have a look, if you get a chance. 


Congratulations to these students as your work was chosen to represent Park Ridge Primary School on the Wellington Village Christmas display.  Well done to them all and thank you to all the other students who submitted their entry. 


Year 3: Jasper (3-21), Eva M (3-12), Sophia (3-21), Jacinta (3-11), Ania (3-11) and Bridget (3-11)

Year 4: Taryn (4-17), Genevieve(4-20), Mitchell (4-19), Charlie(4-19), Alisha (4-20) and Ben (4-17)

Year 5: Gina (5-25), Chloe(5-27), Mitchell (5-25), Tiara(5-27), Emily(5-27) and Bella &Logan ( jointly5-25)

Year 6: Macie (6-24), Noah R (6-23), Luke (6-23), Cooper (6-24) Ruby (6-23) and Naomi (6-23)


Foundation and Year 1 have recently completed wonderful observational drawings of my teddy bear, Theodore. They listened as I told them that I had been given the bear for my 21st birthday in England (quite some time ago!!) I explained that observational drawing is drawing what they see and the need to look closely at the details, not drawing what they think they see. The focus was concentrating on the line, the shape and the texture and how to portray that in their sketches. I also explained that although we were all observing the same bear, everyone sees things and portrays them slightly differently. I was amazed with the drawings they made. The proportions and attention to the finer details were fantastic. I was so happy with them that I changed the Art Room window display instantly to show case some of their fantastic bears. I would have loved to have shown them all, but the window just wasn’t big enough! Some can be found on the display board at the entry to the Art room.  The students were then encouraged to bring in their own soft toy for their follow up lesson on observational drawing. Well done to Foundation and Year 1s, it really is impressive work. 

Year 2 students spent four weeks of this term excitedly transforming shoe boxes in to their 'Under the Sea' dioramas. The whole task created lots of excitement and their creativity shone through as they built up their scene. We had fish, octopus, sharks, shells, seaweed, coral and treasure chests amongst some of the things to be found in their wonderful dioramas. Outstanding work Year 2s!