Physical Education News

Matthew Davey

State Athletics

Last week Tabitha H competed at the Victorian Athletics Championship at Albert Park in the under 12 girls Shot Put event. Her throw of 8.24m placed her 4th overall – an absolutely outstanding achievement. Tabitha becomes just the 4th athlete to compete at a state level in my time at Park Ridge Primary School. Well done Tabitha, we are all very proud of you!



Division Rugby

Wednesday, November 1 saw the Year 6 Division Rugby League Gala day. This was an open event for any Year 6 who wanted to participate and Park Ridge entered the maximum 4 teams into the event. Melbourne Storm development players ran the day, and students got to have a coaching session and play some Tag Rugby matches. Students also participated in lunch time activities such as relay races and a dance competition where prizes were given out. There was no scoring on the day, however I am told by the students that of our 15 combined matches, we lost 1, drew 4 and won 10. This day is always a spectacular event, with many students commenting that they didn’t expect it to be so much fun.